It's to prevent clan roster to be mixed up while war is in play and even potentially letting a spy from the opposite team in...ever heard of bl or quest?
None of you EE people seem to like EE anyways,so why the hell does it matter if your roster is messed up lol?
They dislike how the roster is made up of SH and LB's and what not. That and the roster being messed up are two different things.
I think OP wants WHINE with his CHEESE. What kind of QUACKERS does he want with his CHEESE and WHINE? LMAO bwahahahaha
Maybe play a game a bit more "casual" if checking to see if your clan is going to war is too much hassle...
Lol this guys is only looking for supports to his idea nd shooting down other peoples opinion…so much for an opinionated thread And yes, you should look at the war times, because im pretty sure your coincidentally on before roster lock (which is whenever from one day away to 1hr away), so during that time, find out whether your clan is warring, and if they are, leave…simple
Just ask your clan mates to kick you before they go into war and you aren't participating. Problem solved. You don't even have to be online...
If you are stuck you could help/practice tracking for you clan. That would give you something to do atleast.
Their is no way you aren't on a whole lot with you stats and equipment. Stop complaining. I haven't seen anyone else complain about it. Go hit a EB
Clans always state when they warring and you have about 4 hours warning when the clan is warring when they cast for war
Rosters are locked to stop players switching clan roster spots. Also, if you" aren't on every hour and have a life" as you so insistently claim, this should be a rare problem for you. You either wouldn't be on, or you can find something else to do.