North Korea Faxes War Threat to South Korea

Discussion in 'Wars' started by -IlIlI__DRAGONS_SLAYER__lIlIl-, Dec 20, 2013.

  1. B4rr4cud4 if you browse forums you'll see there's couple of republican fanboys that makes threads about how dumb Obama is, about how wannabe dictator is. Do you want to say that with their threads they are offending american people?
  2. Nice change of topic there, Vlad. And no, I probably would not. However, I was not defending North Koreans, I was defending Jester who, after making a reasonable point, was ridiculed. Also, North Koreans are very different to Americans. Most of them are indoctrinated to love their country.
  3. Oh yes, I can only imagine how much making fun of the oppressive NK regime offends the people of North Korea who are constantly put into "labor" camps.
  4. Sorry, I forgot they were all in the camps. How silly of me to think that it wasn't all of them. Oh, and how stupid of me to think that they're indoctrinated to love their country. That can't be the case. It's not like Josef Stalin did the same thing and won undying loyalty from his people. That would just be ridicilous.. Oh wait.
  5. I understand that you don't understand what it is like for people who are brought up from day 1 to believe something, and so have it drilled into their heads. However, that doesn't mean it can't happen. Why do you think so many Germans loved that famous German leader, despite the SS physically punishing anyone who did something Hitler disagreed with? Why did so many fight for a man who exterminated millions purely because of jealousy? It was because theu were indoctrinated.
  6. B4rr4cud4 did you every lived under such a regime? My country was a communist country while I was kidd. Trust me, we was indoctrinated aswell... Yet no indoctrination can tell you have heat in your house while you don't, no indoctrination can make you think you have enough food while all the shops are empty.
    Someone offended an oppresive regime and now I should feel sorry for that oppresive regime supporters?
  7. if I say fascism is bad am I offending german people? If say communism is bad am I offending central and eastern Europe? If I say PolPot was bad am I offending cambodgian people? If I said talibans are bad am I insulting afghan people? If I say Saddam was bad am I insulating irakian people?
  8. If there is a chance you will provoke these people and anger or upset them, then yes. It would be a bad thing to do.

    If the effect of this indoctrination is so feeble, then why is it that children at 13 are referring to Kim Jong-Un as 'father' and are pledging to work towards 'killing the Americans'?
  9. An indoctrinated one have no reason to run away from North-Korea. The indoctrinated ones don't have access to internet. Moreover if one its supporting an oppresive regim/organisation I don't care about his feelings. If they are not agree with what someone saying something bad about the regim they support nothing stop them to jump and to debate and tell us that north-korean regime its fantabulous.
  10. And btw... I was indoctrinated aswell to think the communist leader of ny country was the "father" of the nation, I was indoctrinated to thing that capitalism and specially americans are evil. Yet when I drank my first Coca-Cola when I was 10 years old got me hard nipples.
  11. You cannot say that an indoctrinated one would have no reason to leave. There are millions, and unless you review them all, don't make such a statement. Are you trying to say that it is impossible that anyone who likes the North Korean government could have access to this game?

    Also, I don't care what you say about North Korea. I just didn't think that the things said to Jester were fair, which was why I joines this debate.
  12. What reasons could have an indoctrinated one to leave?
  13. I don't know where you came from, but that doesn't sound like good indoctrination. There is a reason most Nazi Germany era German children stayed loyal to 'him', there is s reason why Stalin is still seen as great, and there is a reason why North Korean children don't turn against their country after drinking Coca Cola: indoctrination.
  14. [​IMG]

    This pretty much sums up what the South Koreans are feeling right now..
  15. What reasons? Perhaps some kids were being indoctrinated, which their parents didn't like, so the parents moved them to South Korea against their will. Thirteen year olds don't have much of a say in such matters.
  16. Seriously people? For Christs sake...

    How is commenting on the fact that north Korea faxed a war document insulting anyone?

    "he said our war declaration was old fashioned! How dare he! We put a lot of time and effort into that!!"

    Let's face it, any north koreans reading this would probably just laugh or sigh.

    On The point of thr north Koreans who have moved to a different country being offended, there was a reason they left the country. unfair laws, not enough food, and a third world nation in some parts. If you had the chance to leave that behind and go live in the land of horse masks, gangnam style and happy people, wouldn't you?

    So no, I don't think anyone from either country will give a **** that op said north korea is old fashioned when declaring war. I thought it was funny.

    Also the effort he put into this specific thread is really irrelevant. He said everything he needed to say fairly succinctly, and it was still a funny thread to read.
  17. Lol, who faxes anymore
  18. I was arguing for the sake of Jester, who was trying to be fair, but was ridiculed and insulted for doing so, farrcodile. It is quite likely that some supporters of the North Korean government play KaW, and some of them may take offense.
  19. North-korean regim supporters who are playing KaW can jump into debate and tell us why we are wrong and why that regime its great.
  20. @B4r, page 5... Are you implying that Americans are not indoctrinated to love their country?