North and South Korea

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by Kissmyaxe, Aug 21, 2015.

  1. Again untrue. Sorry but youre wrong here. Russia knocked over Georgia a few years back. Now its Crimea. Then Ukraine because its part of NATO. Ummm no its Putin invading a country or two testing our resolve to preserve democracy.

    And Iran gets its money from under the table deals with them too Thats pretty much fact as even Russia acknowledges doing it.

    Heres a newsflash or 2 for you:

    They bombed US first. Remember 9-11? Radical Islam. Its everywhere over there. Yes sadly even by the guys we helped against Russian aggression. (Oh i forgot that invasion add it to the list)

    The difference between our "invasions" and theirs? Easy. We dont aim to annex them and stay. Think about that. So please learn the difference between invading a sovereign nation and military actions against one. And realize most of the time the world agrees something should be done to stop the violence.

    We need more military than ever now. Thats sad too. But every time we commit troops or resources to somewhere in need we get 12 other places escalating violence to get our attention. Its not a conspiracy its a pattern of behavior.

    No way NK lets off a nuke on China's doorstep to show its neighbor who's boss. Or SK and its allies either. Wont happen. But China will let Kim Jong rant away and spread us out. Thats how they roll. Always have.

    That situation is still an actual war btw. Its just been a ceasefire. Technically we are still at war there. And probably will be until that state is toppled.

    I dont see the rest of the world as a whole stepping up tho putting troops there with us. They prefer to armchair quarterback and cry after the fact. Some help. But not enough.

    Same in the middle east. Even our allies cant be trusted to provide the support they really ought to even tho they are the ones in most jeopardy if we dont succeed.

    Same in Europe too. They prefer to talk and mediate and be openly lied to while Putin does his darndest to rebuild the USSR.

    Vietnam. Somalia. Iraq. Lybia. Syria. Countless others we either actively throw troops or covert ops in failing. Partly because soldiers arent trained to go half speed. War aint pretty or some game. Partly because theres too many in our own nation who dont support those causes completely and/or wouldnt send themselves or family there in harm's way to ensure victory. Yet we all know in minutes just a couple destroyers off the shores 400 miles away could wipe any of those mentioned off the map without nukes. The reason we havent is that we arent "invading" or keeping anything.
  2. Hey.. Let's suggest a playlist for each side to blare across the DMZ!

    I'll start..

    From South Korea

    1)Lets spend the night together - Stones
    2)All we need is Love - Beatles
    3)Hit me baby one more time - Britney
    4)Hits from da bong - Cyprus Hill
    5)Gangnam Style - Psy

    From North Korea

    1)Hey You! Get off of my cloud - Stones
    2)Beat it - MJ
    3)Do you really want to hurt me? - Culture Club
    4)Du Hast - Rammstein
    5)Up in here - DMX

  3. Somebody needs to hack into their speakers and play "why can't we be friends"
  4. Off topic, but how about those 2 US marines who subdued the gunmen in France. Thank God for the US Marine Corp.
  5. I was a little mixed up with Afghanistan, sorry. I had written a paper on it before (like, 8 months ago) but some details were blurred a little. There was a bombing campaign against Afghanistan in 1998 by the USA. Not an invasion.

    As for twentieth century... Bay of Pigs in Cuba, Vietnam invasion, Iraq in the 90's, Panama, Grenada, Dominican Republic, and a MASSIVE bombing campaign in Laos starting 1964.

    There was also many cases in which the USA funded/supported rebellions that lead to, or would have lead to, dictatorships.

    Am I being totally against the USA? No. I'm not anti-USA. I'm just saying that you can't say that the USA has been pure. It's done it's share of damage to the world and it should pay attention to the harm it's caused before it starts looking at future warfare.

    The USSR/Russia's been pretty much just as bad. But 2 wrongs don't make a right, and I don't see how a country can justify destabilizing a region and injuring/killing thousands and thousands of innocent people such as in Laos or in Vietnam.
  6. Some fact checking to do here.

    Ukraine is not part of NATO. If it were, then American troops would be on the ground there already.

    Islam didn't bomb USA first. The USA created the Taliban and lead a war against Iraq in the 90's and lead a bombing campaign against Afghanistan in 1998.

    The EU hasn't been believing Putin. That's why there's been so many sanctions placed against Russia, despite the fact that it weakens the (already weak) EU economy dramatically.

    Putin isn't a communist. He doesn't even support a progressive tax system. He's trying to reclaim some land, but with the state of Russia's economy, it is now evident that a coup or revolution may soon take place before that can happen.
  7. No ukraine is not in NATO. But NATO are the ones feeling threatened right next door.

    Its kinda hard to say who bombed who first given 70s air hijackings and our embassies isnt it? We OFFICIALLY bombed after our soil was. Twist that as u will but thats my meaning here in context of my post.
  8. Putin is indeed communist. His buddies are kgb or whatever the new kgb calls itself. And his most trusted generals are cold war veterans. At the very least he is a hardline Socialist. Which is basically communist in many ways. I will admit to using the term erroneously but again i think most got my point.

    Sure they dont believe him but no one did or does anything unless we spearhead those sanctions. WE are the convenient bad guy now which illustrates my point. Far too many feel the air of entitlement in this world to use us but dont support us.
  9. I am half Korean. Before I say my opinion, let it be known for the record that this is simply a theory and a concern. It may or MAY NOT happen.

    If we look back at history, the USA has imprisoned the Japanese and Germans into camps during WW2. Being Korean this could likely happen to me. Although I seriously doubt it, it's possible. This of course if it was to get to that point of extremity with North Korea. Still I doubt it.
    Anywho..if North Korea was launch a legitamate attack on South Korea it would drag the United States into the fight. Little do people know, China is one of N. Korea's allies. China also lingers nearby to S. Korea. Therefore if any war was to break out with the two countries, the United States and China would be dragged into it. Of course either power nation could withdraw and declare neutrality. In the case that this doesn't happen, we are talking about a western battle in the Asian hemisphere. With out main focus attacking/defending in Korea, Russia has a perfect opportunity to attack the United States AT home. You're probably thinking what about Europe? They stnd inbetween Russia and the US..surely they could prevent it. No. The only way to prevent Russia from mobilizing would to either increase further sanctions, crippling their economy or threaten to retaliate any force used by the Russian military. So in my opinion and my theory, any military actions in Korea better cease or we'll end up in a third World War.
  10. War is all but inevitable at this point.
    The U.S. is gonna level North Korea and destroy its regime
  11. We cant even control immigration in this day and age in US no way we see internment camps again here. That all died with J Edgar Hoover. And IF we did its likely muslims would have more to fear than you. Thats my opinion obviously and no smear on race or religion. Just a strong feeling tho again prob no one again in camps.

    Whos to say the Chinese economy isnt so bad they cant afford not to step in and at the last minute quiet the NK rhetoric? You cant believe what they say anyway it seems. Not surprised if theyre worse off than thought.

    Russia is in no position NOW to wage war effectively on their border let alone on our soil. And keep in mind if China is also in no position, nothing would stop us from unloading on them once and for all. Too many of Putin's people see him as a nutjob anyway. And its cheaper for China to quell tensions if they start instead of flexing muscle they dont have in the air or sea vs our military with or without our allies involved.

    This will be a good skirmish seeing NK get beat up if they start encroaching borders or seriously shelling. Until China steps in and says enough, possibly taking the NK state for stability which would be great because we could ratchet down the dmz and worry less.

    I will agree though- should something stupid happen and go amok, the next war is fought from middle east thru turkey and into russia and asia. No question the volitility there is serious.

    Both Russia and China have just enough cash flow though to keep a lid on things there and not benefit from all out war.

    China also would lose Trillions probably crushing their economy overnight destroying their own investments here. And markets would just about kill Russia too before a missle gets fired. I find your theory hard to see in parts
  12. Why did you just repeat yourself there?
  13. Sorry :lol:
  14. You mean the cruise missile strikes against terrorist camps in Afghanistan after they attacked American embassies in East Africa ? So not a " bombing campaign " a missile strike.

    Destabilising effects aren't just Americas fault the Cold War had two huge players and Several smaller players doing all sorts of things in lots of places .
    Bay of pigs was not American troops they were Cubans who had American support, the USA never invaded Vietnam they were there at the request of the government of South Vietnam. They were not a nice government in any stretch of imagination but sadly very few are.
    Iraq in the 1990's well that's pretty easy they got asked to support and ally when their neighbour got all grabby for land and decided to annex a country. Then got asked to maintain sanctions on the country after a war. All with UN backing.
    Has America had a great history in world relations ? It's not bad compared to many others.
  15. [​IMG]

    The truth of the Korean Peninsula. And my spouse who is Korean and from Seoul died with laughter when first showed.
  16. We aren't scared of North Korea we are scared of Russia and China.
  17. 1 of these men is a inactive national guard member. The other is in the Air Force. The intial European reports were wrong. A third man helped, and he was a civilian. Quick news from CNN isn't reliable.
  18. Iraq, Iran, Pakistan, Syria, Russia, China, North Korea.
    Most accurate from most to least to worry.
    Rem this is mostly based off of US consumption of crude oil and commerce trade.
    *Edit. Also nuclear capability
  19. Kim Jong Un is obviously the second coming of christ and we need to accept him into our lives before it's too late.
  20. Not worth it

    North Korea has an army and weapons to bank it up - they ain't Iraq

    It would be a devastating war that would destroy the peninsula - prob ww3. I could see china and Russia backing nk and the U.S. and allies on the other side