North and South Korea

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by Kissmyaxe, Aug 21, 2015.

  1. China and several other allies of NK already stated they would not support NK if they declare full on warfare
  2. The Crimea incident had more potential to go to WW3 than this "spat".
  3. The Great Dear Leader is the greatest general since Alexander the Great!! You speak lies from your American Imperial mouths, DPRK wishes only to have peace and friendship with our brothers and sisters of Seoul. The Imperial warmongers of USA want to destroy and enslave all Koreans but our Dear Leader will destroy all enemies for we have strongest army in the world!!! Your degenerate leader only jealous he can't shoot a 30 under par game like our Dear Leader and now wants to start war with propaganda news
  4. China would not go to war against the US and allies.
  5. Love watching 13 year olds and idiots on here who have never been to the DMZ nor been educated on what's really going on talk out their ass using made up internet facts or parroting CNN.

    For years now the world's bad guys have known that the only real way to hurt US (thats right US. This isnt about SK at all) is too spread our military too thin across the globe. Its tests our resolve in matters, causes undue economic chaos here and in markets, and strains our relationships with our allies when we cant deliver the goods.

    Kim Jong Assclown has a country of starving people. He spent all his money on nukes and a useless amusement park. He wants PRESS. That gets us to the bargaining table to write a check and feed his bank account. Wont happen this time unless some people die his father's old acts are just that.

    Right now ISIS is running amok, Iran thinks its getting a deal on nuclear material and Russia is lining up to not only aggrevate Europe over Ukraine but sell the Iranians all the weapons he can. Both of these country's are nutbags. Spread us thin and test us. Same old story.

    China is NOT our ally by any stretch. Dont even get me started on those rats. YES rats. Dirtiest ones in the crapper too. If they had any respect for things they would slap NK into line as those scary nukes are in their backyard. But they dont. Because again testing us; merely draining our money on all this military might is the primary goal.

    North Korea will get destroyed if they attack. Its not troop numbers its training and placement. Whats sitting on OUR side of the DMZ could wipe out their capital 81 miles away in minutes. I know this because I served on that border not some internet horse hockey. We all got briefed on the same situation.

    So before u little CNN fear mongering parrots and unemployed booger eating idiots sound off KNOW what youre talking about and have the good sense to keep quiet and learn from 50 years of experience and world history. You lack common sense or forethought so your opinion is garbage anyway.

    That said, lock this forum lets play KAW without the politics.
  6. North Korean artillery doesn't F around. They could kill millions of people in the first day, before being destroyed by ground troops. They have thousands of artillery pieces aimed at Seoul.

    But they'd lose pretty damn fast.

    Its artillery would be bombed and destroyed on day 1 by South Korea to prevent deaths, then the air superiority by SK would pretty much wreck NK to bits by bombing key points.

    Another big hurdle SK would face is how brainwashed NK people are. It could become a situation similar to Japan in WWII with Kamikaze suicide charges. This would probably occur en mass until NK propaganda is shut down completely.

    One of the main problems is getting the support of China behind SK. You can't wage a war within the sphere of a major power without that power being OK with it.

    All in all, NK won't follow through with its ultimatum unless it is really, really dumb.
  7. Dixie I don't believe your theory for a second, because first of all you make it seem that you think something such as FOX news may be more factual, because you paint several different countries as the bad guys (propaganda used as an excuse for a bigger USA military) and also because you are/were IN the military, which may restrict your freedom of thought as you are looking at the situation from WITHIN rather than from a third-person perspective.

    America has invaded many, many countries against the wishes of the UN, and for selfish geopolitical reasons.

    One example of this was the invasion of Iraq, which the USA invaded for false reasons, and caused devastation to millions of people and has destabilized the region completely and has helped create ISIS.
  8. Nathan America hasn't invaded " many " countries it's invaded one this century Iraq.
    That was why there was such outcry in the months leading up to the invasion.

    The intelligence was inaccurate and badly presented which led to the invasion which in turn to the ongoing situation in Iraq.
  9. Interesting tactics.
    However a nk subject has been arrested in Japan and has said that nks response would be a nuclear strike against us and sk forces.

    This would obviously kill many on both sides and the alarming prospect if true is that Kim is insane enough to kill his own troops just to kill the American forces he blames along with sk troops.
    He has apparently stated that a strike that kills all invaders will depend upon the actions of the US and SK forces after they ( NK ) destroy the 11 targeted loudspeaker stations.

    Now I have to admit. I hate noisy neighbours with a passion.
    But heck nuking the idiots for not turning down the music. Certified whack job Kim be. The only scary thing about the worlds biggest laughing stock leader is that he inherited nuclear weapons he is insane enough to use.
  10. Somebody needs a snickers
  11. Ho-lee-****.

    Grade A.
  12. Seriously? Lmao i dont think much of the "faux news network" or any other of the resources on tv. They report what they want to in order to push an agenda.

    And ummm i dont think many of those bad guys i mentioned havent openly displayed the need for some attention whether its China and their hack war, ISIS beheading people on tv, or even Russia deciding which ex-USSR country to invade or destabilize so "his interests are threatened and he can save it " this week.

    And you dont see it as anything but coincidence that as soon as one guy on that list starts getting all the press that the others cry for attention? Well then youre not only an idiot youre just crazy. Another starving ruler (JUST like ISIS, Russia, Iran (from sanctions) and lots others i could name but the pattern is clear here) looking to be the GREATEST threat so we write a check to buy them off or start dialogue which eventually involves AID to them.

    Yep we invaded lots of dirtbags over the years. And? Russia does it. China does it. Its called tit for tat buddy. When one's britches get too big we slap a few idiots and walk away. You blame US for Iraq? Lmao try blaming the Iraqi people for having no tolerance for their own Kurds or really trying as a people to start a government thats stable. We gave them YEARS. Instead they act weak and run away from ISIS leaving them the equip we bought for fighting them now being used against those poor people who were SPINELESS. That region has ALWAYS starved and been poor so save the song pal. I aint listening.

    And yeah maybe i am biased a bit having had to go to some of these hell pits on Earth and try to mediate bad situations the US didnt cause. And maybe im kinda sick of seeing our kids sent there everytime a new idiot wants PRESS.

    Maybe though- im even more sick of watching you whine everytime u need US aid or military somewhere but offering only a few hundred of your own sons and daughters AT BEST. Or turning tail in the middle of the fight politically. I dont know where youre from but it doesnt matter. Hardly anyone supports US as much as they cry for our checkbook. Or our kids lives.

    So deal with us "invading" such great spots or go join ISIS buddy. If you cant understand that MONEY and FEAR run our world then you need to go ask your teachers a few things.
  13. Great another conspiracist
  14. That is false. It invaded Afghanistan in 2001 (for the second time) before invading Iraq in 2003 (for the second time as well). Then it ran out of money and is now considering invading Iraq and Syria again, despite having more debt than money at the present moment.

    However, the juicy part comes in the 20th century. In the 20th century America invaded many countries, installed many dictatorship governments against the wishes of its people, and killed thousands upon thousands of innocent people. Governments such as the Batista regime of Cuba and the military dictatorship in Brazil were supported by the USA and considered allies to democracy.
  15. China's invaded countries? I'd like to know which countries it has invaded. It helped North Korea in the Korean Warm, but that was when China was Stalin's puppet.

    Iraq's problems were caused by Britain in the first place, which was too ignorant towards cultures in the 1920's to really give a damn whether there would be tensions in Iraq or not. The Iraqi people didn't decide their borders. People on an island far, far away decided their borders so that they could be connected to India.
  16. Nathan Ok when did America invade Afghanistan first ?!? I'm just dying to know.

    Which countries did America invade boots on the ground military invade in the 20th Century ? Best cases maybe Panama and Grenada.
    Those can be called invasions but supporting governments in country isn't an invasion.
  17. I like to play runescape
  18. China keeps muscling on the sea that feeds its neighbors in order to break democracy in the region using military ships on peasant fishing vessels.

    China keeps threatening military escalated issues with Japan over a few islands off Japan's coast since the last world war ended.

    If youre such a fan of China go move there. Im sure theyll let you spout propaganda on kaw. You will be a hit in Tienamen Square.
  19. I do think that NATO members should be looking at a little bigger militaries so that the USA can start scaling down a little. But there's no real threat. The combined economies of the EU and USA still double or triple that of China (over 30-something billion dollars) and both still have the most modern army in the world by a couple decades.

    I think that at a certain point we are allowed to say "OK, we are safe. Let's spend our money a little bit more wisely".

    The West is safe. Time to start looking at real problems. The economy is in the drain. China's economy is falling and it's dragging the rest of the world with it. Greece is still plummeting. Oil prices are way too far down.

    Maybe we should cut some money to the military and use that money to employ some people. Build infrastructure. Fund some much-needed research to help fuel our economies down the road. Look at diplomatic solutions to global issues rather than militaristic ones.

    There's been no real evidence of a successful invasion in recent history. The USSR's invasion of Afghanistan and the USA's funding of the Taliban created Al Qaeda. The USA's bombing of several countries in the Islamic world has caused a significant increase in radicalized and anti-USA people.

    Invasions just caused a negative feedback loop that never resolves itself and keeps growing bigger and worse.