Ignore Flames he has rodent problem and extra beehole moisture.. Anyways nice effort but to make a guide you must be more accurate
There is BB code thread out there.. If you read it then you will know.. Also keep your eyes open for photobucket thread
Look under Off Topic section there are two guides.. BB code guide and Photobucket guide.. Use both of those to make threads but also go to strategy section there are already guides to grow
But I like what OP is trying to do although he doesn't understand how forums work at all. My advice is to watch what goes on in forums so you can be better prepared for the trolls, cynics, etc. Gotta learn how to manipulate the hive mind that is forums before you can have any success
Learn from CynderStrike he is correct in saying what he did. When it comes to guides they get read more thoroughly if you have pretty pictures and colours (you can learn these in the bb code thread) As for the content it is good but big slabs of text tend not to get read to the fullest capacity. Try breaking it up a bit. Otherwise this is a decent guide could use some work in getting it off the ground and into the worth reading category
Thanks HS and Strike PS by the way I do not like to be called a noob I prefer growth challenged been playing for 4years had a few resets and a while inactive after I reset the day after they got rid of reset perm items. I am still learning BB I will repost this sometime upgraded broken up with BB code and somthing to keep readers reading maybe pretty colors lol.