noob am not

Discussion in 'Wars' started by DarthVadersEmpirw, Jun 26, 2013.

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  1. I apologize in this thread for slapping oilbear he provoked my hand
  2. P.s I still got the ss from that thread an as I recall I wanted out cause I'm no bully lmao Im fighting a guy twice my size you actually dumb enough to believe I have a lesson to Learn lol it's actually the other way around
  3. Hitting 5 times is slapping? :lol: I realize you don't hit people often, but that's not slapping. Didn't even win em all ;)

    Well prepare yourself for another apology thread chump. I'll just steal for now, once your previous stupidity has blown over, and your apology threads have been posted, I'll tell you what I want.

    But prepare yourself, I like extravagant apology threads, with actual English. So study up buttercup.
  4. Wow I lost the last one with a lil red an 0% ur build is amazing Not

    p.s steal all you want I got it off welcome to the machine an I left it out cause it's pennies

    Best thing i see every day is butthurt folks who dont remember its a war game :roll: :|
  6. You didn't even fail the last one :lol: your arguement is invalid. And the funny thing is.. WE HAVE THE SAME BUILD :lol: :lol: :lol:
  7. Wait you smack talked me an you think I will apologize

  8. We'll see what you say when you''re naked bud 
  9. Strip away dude I know how to play dead an bank, lmao u that sore you wanna strip me, Come at me bro...Less talk more actions, even with no allies i still got my scimitar an many other propack items so ur crappy build will forever bow to mine

    So go ahead make my day, Chump
  10. Dude your stupidity is astounding :lol:
  11. Nah just crazy quick question..if I can hit welcome to the machine clanless what are you gonna do little newb???
  12. Does anyone understand this idiot?
  13. He's not scared of you, basically.
  14. Impressive inc :D *salutes* may I have another
  15. Ah Ty LB. good thing I don't care about him being scared or not, as long as he pays well.
  16. Lmao 3attacks for less than 10mil total an I pay well I guess it's true what they say a lie don't care who tell it but anyway I got bigger dudes to worry about that pay 20bill more than what you giving so I'm moving on happy kaw'N
  17. Well you payed me 60 mil lmao, as I said, your stupidity is astounding
  18. Lucky you I need a ss to actually believe that cause from what I see in my feeds ur making pennies not worth repeat actions
  19. Does this idiot really think that what they take us how much they get?
  20. Please keep this to each others walls.
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