noob adoption center

Discussion in 'Strategy' started by Balto573, Apr 10, 2013.

  1. Yea mostly from Balto
  2. Not mostly actually so if your gonna be dumb leave don't let the door hit ya on the way out ;)
  3. In the leader of the panda army... Ill choose wisely.,
  4. Hello. I'm new and don't really understand the game so well. I'm not sure if this is right place to post.
  5. Ill adopt amelia
  6. Correction for the title and OP
  7. starburst I'm a wolf your argument is invalid
  8. what happens if I change this?

  9. You horrible stalkers follow because I'm only little. I will attack your whole clan if you stalk me
  10. Amelia posted a death threat on my wall๎ I only followed you to help you first thing you do is say you will kill me
  11. You wouldn't kill an innocent wolf and or dog
  12. Only creepy people follow and try talk sneaky in private. You sneaky creepies
  13. Fine ill help you on your wall then
  14. Leave me alone. No put things on my wall. I can play the game how Iike. You not tell me what to do
  15. I can give advice
  16. I'm a reset who has been inactive for a little while, so I would like to be adopted by someone who can help me grow as fast as possible, ill stay loyal to them and fight with them in wars as long as they want me to stay with them ๎„๎€‘
  17. Why must you ruin such a successful and much liked thread with your name? -.-