noob adoption center

Discussion in 'Strategy' started by Balto573, Apr 10, 2013.

  1. I want a nooob i am Mr. MiagI
  2. Want a noob want a noob wall me i want a noob
  3. Will help any new players. Just wall me. Will help asap if not working/warring
  4. We have alot of ppl willing to help noobs now all we need are the noobs....
  5. Balto I will adopt you!
  6. I'm a noob!!! Someone adopt meeeee!!!
  7. Oh noobs oh noobs oh where you could you be? oh noobs oh noobs come get adopted by me
  8. Any noobs?
  9. I'm adopting a noon, wall me please!
  10. Any noobs? Wall me!
  11. Here now newbies..........jk wall for any help 
  12. All noobs be mine cause I'll never let you go (to
  13. The toon of Romeo take me)
  14. You know the thread is a fail when only person bumping is op -.-
  15. 138 posts is not a fail.