noob adoption center

Discussion in 'Strategy' started by Balto573, Apr 10, 2013.

  1. Lmao backwards
  2. Sdrowkcab oaml
  3. Lmao this is an awesome forum
  4. Aww screw it won't say that

  5. Lmao i want to adopt a noob anyone want to adopt me ( not you balto)
  6. I would like to adopt a noob.

    Extra info: I can be crazy at times :)
  7. I can be your noob lol
  8. But you're not a noob •_•
  9. I was joking lol
  10. :) I know, {•}_{•} Any noobs out there?
  11. Im guessing noobs don't read forums much :/
  12. Guy adopt me gtg
  13. Im still small who wants to adopt me jk
  14. Trapt be my noob  Romeo take me somewhere we can be alone I've been waiting for you but you never show
  15. Lol i wont be ur noob balto
  16. Cmon noobs wall me ill adopt you show you the game cmon