noob adoption center

Discussion in 'Strategy' started by Balto573, Apr 10, 2013.

  1. Sorry.. Balto the Badass
  2. "Help I have fallen and I can not get up!"
    Person-Does this happen to you?
    Person-I knew it does!
    Person-Adopt a noob today to help you not fall down from your wonderful equipment

    "noob" for adoption. I don't need the basics I just enjoy the fact of following someone around until they disown me. # wall me master
  3. Ashes lol
  4. As you wish ashes
  5. I would say ashes the asshole but that would be terrible so I'll say ashes the ... Um ... The all powerful
  6. I'll adopt must person
  7. Typo mist person
  8. They just recently bumped the old thread, lol.
  9. I am Ashes the Ass.. Adopt me please!
  10. I adopt you ashes of assachusets
  11. Real boy I know I helped bump it
  12. Ok we can let this thread die since the other one was bumped
