1. Your gay 2. Obviously your in nursery 3. Can you even afford 200b 4. Hand of god is awesome 5. The grammar unicorn has a lot to correct here and lastly 6. What the hell.
Ethan, you're bringing up grammar when you don't know you're from your? Please get out, bro. You don't deserve to bask in the glory of this thread.
i don't know what u mean shock Just this tread is about khor beat no math found around all day. We do evrything on battlef eeld n do strips all fhe time. Last night we plan 200b strip but the guy leaft. All u guys in no matg found can leaf now. Its goinng to get really hairy between us n hand of god Cuz we r tired of him bully people with his 80 alt. no fair to anyone else like me who had 1 account in khor. Only true poop suckers like him would get 80 alt n war them all at the sime time. No more of that we steal his accounts n trash them. We found ur banks n we move on them. Bbascaly, u leave now n u r spared from us. 5 days until we come kill u Han of god u flipping grimy tool.