Is this really.. Needed... Go squabble on your walls quit wasting more AT space with your whining. All of you.
Well to be honest they aren't that big to make a huge impact. So once they do reset, it wouldnt be too big a deal (maybe the 96bil one, but not a large player) and then if you are sleeping, you wont be able to bank. And you wont be at Max Plunder, which will then make you need to sell some of your 50,000 BB() and then that'll get stripped too.
4/4/3 shade Np and I'm sleeping at my grandmas house for this week which means my sleep schedule is gonna be upside down lol
Sounds like you are a noob who wanted a taste of osw. Got your ass kicked, so decided to help the ones kicking your ass.
Eh this is a bore. Illuminati isn't a real osw nor is no retreat and WPA. So when something sparks up let me know