Sheesh! Kaw needs more transparancy, they change things and alter their repsonses more than politicians. Full Support Steph. Assasinations are an integral part of the war strategy and tactics, and ought to have sufficient payout for those actions. All builds assassinate if they can, scout if they can't. I have no idea why a certain person turned this into a PS hazing debate (and hurt my eyes, the rainbow font is really obnoxious and so 1990's). You hated me as SH, really hated me as SSH, and now you can hate me as a PS. Gee I am growing again -- that was what you haters wanted right? Thought idea was to get everyone warring, go ahead and cry about yet another valid build with a valid purpose.
making more plunder as ps does not give much mith, whereas doing less plunder with attacks give more mith. This means that plunder means nothing to earn mith, but the way you do it, which is unfair for so called "plunder-to-win war." I thought of the same think you just proposed. I tried two days ago and still got mith in the same range as if I didn't do it. I wish I had taken SS, but gave up yesterday and decided not war and buy xtals anymore because it is a waste of both time and money.
Lol digs Totally true I made this thread to support payout for assassinations for ALL builds. And because I was a ps it got turned around Into a exploit ps should suffer thread Fact is many people commenting on this thread have no issues letting ps war on there team. If you feel so strongly about ps why not stop them from warring along side you. Or is it fact you know you can't win with the ps build amongst your roster. Pretty sure many of you who aren't ps have friends who ps you don't want them to benefit from a war they just helped you to win? Which costs you nothing it's just stupid. People who use the excuse that oh we say no support because we want rid of the ps build like that's ever going to happen.
mith payouts would probably increase greatly if all those failed scts i get in my inc would burn my sdp. But nope instead i get tins of fail scts that are not factored into my end pay, but im forcing the enemy team to use a large amt of resources to try and control me. Funny how the builds that control me get nice mith pay, but i dont get equal pay for controling them in a war. Scts should get def pots too.
All ps lets do this stop assassinating in wars and only scout and see how lil plunder atk bulids get with out us makin it is for them and make us some mith
Steph nice try tho .. My last war in primal had 1 ps and 1 hansel on my roster against a clan of 7 ps
Sorry, the fact were debating this is ridiculous. All actions that go toward a team win should count equally. Devs lavish mith on sh builds n that's fine, but big spies get the shaft? Thought the devs wanted to encourage growth. Another backward policy in the ee system.
Support, as a spybrid - I find myself assassinating alot to benefit the team & get the win, I should be adequately rewarded.
Nice try what ? The only advice attack builds have is hey stay hansel and steal ask any wc who actually knows what there doing in EE what they think of what your blabbering in forums ! Fact is EE is a team effort there is no i in team you can not win alone everyone has to pull there weight. Well said lord !
This thread is about - Should you get paid for assassinations or not It is not about - How much hate can we say about the ps build ️ stay on topic or stay off my thread thanks
Just curious but u every consider u get 1/3 more actions on a spy bar then an attack bar and the fact that it kills 2 bars at the same time migh contribute to the fact that the single action might be worth less per? So it would take 1/3 more successful assassinate actions then an attack build to be considered equal in the equation to an attack action? Just a few things a wc that actually understands how mechanics operate might help inform u .. Or that the fact that a build not using troops cannot create a leak and therefore the devs may weight actions that directly contribute to the score of the war a little more heavily then an action that does not... Just something else a wc that actually understands mechs of ee and kaw may be able to help explain to u ... But first u may actually have to find a wc that actually understands them
Like I said stay on topic My statement remains though if your a wc who wants hansels in Indy war stealing you are not a good wc (I have said this 3 times already read what I say take it in) Now back to topic should assassinations be paid for in mith at the end of the ee thanks