No Mith from Assassinations in EE

Discussion in 'Wars' started by Steph, Sep 22, 2014.

  1. [​IMG]

    Not sure how many people are aware of this but assassinations in EE wars are NOT paid out for in mithral at the end of wars if you win :? . Whether you use max pots per action or not.

    I don't recall myself reading anywhere in forums that this was the case however i could of missed that post. After asking numerous other people that are regular EE warriors about this they also wasn't aware that this was the case.

    I am hoping to drum up some support to get the devs to change this ASAP. I think it is fair to ask them to pay you out what you used in pots in assassinations in mitheral at the end of the war like they do with attacks/steals/scouts (if you win).

    Anyways thats it folks thanks !

    Steph x

    p.s sorry for any mistakes (spelling grammar)
  2. Grammar 
  3.  
  4. Good thread though.
  5. Dats a load of crap!

    Assassinations are perfectly good ways of KOing opponents in EE wars.
  6. PS should get paid for assn. They do a lot of it. Support fully. Better note. **** the Devs. Strip a Mod to show support to the PS. May listen faster :)
  7. Wow, I don't remember hearing about that either. I just assumed any successful action would contribute to mith payout.
    If anything an assassination should pay more than a scout, since both both attk and def pots are burned.
    I'm curious on the logic behind that because it doesn't make any sense IMO.
  8. Support steph, no reasons assassinations shouldn't count
  9. Support, the devs have no reason to not count a ps's main source of actions in an ee war for mith pay outs.
  10. PS build is BS, so, no. They shouldnt get mith for assassinations. The system works
  11. Fully support this. I can't fathom any reason why assassinations would not be counted. They require spy attack pots and burn spy defence pots. It could even be argued that with most attack builds having more sdt than Adt, assassinations are actually more difficult.
  12. Sounds like someone got but hurt from a PSFull support 
  13. Ps aren't the only build that assassinate in EE moose. You work as a team to win a EE war so all actions should be paid out fairly!
  14. Support ps should be rewarded for their contributions in war. Also curious as to why devs think they shouldn't ??
  15. Moose it's funny to me that you're weighing in on ps builds with the build you have. Also why do you care if ps get mith payouts for assassinations, you're clearly not warring this season? Quit trolling bro, leave that to troll.
  16. Part of the reason that assassinations aren't counted towards mithril, I believe, is that we don't want the ps build to proliferate and create turtle wars Again. Ps is powerful enough. If you want to play ps doe the good of your team, YAU! Just don't expect to get paid for it. We want people hitting each other. Not being "DTW" to all attacks while racking up assassination actions. Turtle wars suck. You should not be payed for creating them.
  17. Not trolling. Just stating my opinion, which is what forum is for. I'm sorry my opinions don't please you, but, I can't please everyone, so yea.....,
  18. I assassinate people all the time, and my build is fairly "legit". Knowing those pots are going to waste sucks
  19. True. And I see your point. But this plugs an exploit hole, so its needed.
  20. Assassinations actions don't create plunder, and having more ps in individual wars means your at a disadvantage not an advantage. You should get paid for pots used simple 