"No match system." - Rant.

Discussion in 'Wars' started by W32SQLE_Anarchy, Mar 9, 2013.

  1. Now stay on topic please.
  2. Ive never done an EE, so not sure if my opinion then comes unbiased, or irrelevant lol. But to me your argument makes perfect sense and I agree.
  3. Warring is better than No Match even if u lose. you can test strategies, and its more fun than just hitting a eb. plus on a losing war, you don't need to be active the whole time :p . you can train some membs how to track and crap by lo inactives and letting them track em etc.
  4. So threads were full of hate about bad matches --- unfair matches --- now its because they are trying to make it so wars are semi fair ???????? C'mon get a grip
  5. Warring is better than No Match even if u lose. you can test strategies, and its more fun than just hitting a eb. plus on a losing war, you don't need to be active the whole time :p . you can train some membs how to track and crap by ko'ing inactives and letting them track em etc.. Also most people clear the day they gonna war up therefore putting something off thinking they was gonna ee war. Also the reason beta is called beta is to fix the wars. they basically doing beta now until season 1 start and it still prolly be crappier than this.
  6. How is a No Match semi fair. Don't sign up if your scared of losing. That and get full clan fulled so you can't cry about being outnumbered.
  7. War shouldnt be all about winning about losing. It should be about teamwork, taking responsibility, being a good sport, and building character. In basketball, games dont get cancelled because the top team is playing the bottom team. In hockey, games dont get cancelled because the top team is playing the bottom team. In baseball, games dont get cancelled because the top team is playing the bottom team. Why should kaw be any different?

    Mith is just an incentive to get more people on board. I prefer the old system over this new system.

    OP, good thread.
  8. I think ee wars were better before they messed with them with this no match up deal. Sure there were still unbalanced but that'll happen if not a lot of people sign up.
  9. I'm drunk so I don't care lol haha
  10. Stop going off topic please.
  11. Hmmmm.. I'm thinking KaWer's did this to themselves.

    Many, many, many, many, many, many (a lot) of people cried about unfair match ups. They then cried that the Devs are not responding to their tears.

    The Devs then responded with the no match up system. Now people cry that they did not get a match up.

    How do we know their algorithm used needs fixing?

    For it to be perfect, it needs to ensure all match ups will result in a zero tears on forums post war. It's yet to be seen if there will be any of those teary threads for this round.

    For those that did not get matched, perhaps there were truly no match ups available that would not result in post traumatic gaming war tears.

    Now of coarse we have a compensation issue, where people are crying for being saved from an unfair matchup that would have resulted in them crying about being unfairly matched.

    Compensation is there but people will always want more. Give me MORE!! MORE NOW DAMN IT!! :evil:

    I believe the Devs have responded to unfair match ups.

    I believe you'd be hard pressed to prove that the "no match" results could not have been avoided.

    I believe KaWers will always scream for more.

    I believe the one true fix is for disgruntled KaWers to quit.
    You will never cry for KaW again, once the withdrawal trauma ceases.

    Feedback for gaming improvements is good but surely we could do with out the outrage and tears 

    I  U Anarchy 
  12. JBB.

    The problem is, devs are trying to get a matchup to the T, as in they are trying to get a perfectly equal matchup.

    12 clans missed todays war! That is unacceptable, no matter what system they are using.

    No war is ever fair, people need to learn this! I think there should be a bracket of 5 strength difference and 10-15 members difference before a matchup is unfair - causing no matchup.

    You can't win every single war! I would have been happy to vs Guilds Inc, even though we probably would have been beaten, from what I understand the numbers were only just off.

    So yes, I think there is room for improvement on the algorithm, the devs response is just lazy I feel, you should only get 'no match up' if we are talking about massive strength/player difference... Not small amounts.
  13. But Anarchy, all that you mentioned are conditions that YOU will be happy with or accept.

    If you are made happy, my some what blunt point from my previous post is that, there will still be many many others that flood forums with salty tears.

    Surely we aren't rename this app to "Anarchy's KaW".
  14. Huh. Anarchy has points that will benefit all the EE clans I guess lol. jbb wrong thread? he said he would be happy to face a losing battle. no idea how that's bad.
  15. At this rate EE is gonna be scrapped  despite what many people think new gaming concepts take years to perfect and because there is no cpu the only real way to test it against anything is through live trials. 
  16. Wombie - I'm merging threads.
  17. People have been the victim of terrible matchups (myself inccluded) but its better to have the no-match option while the devs try to improve these algora-rythms..
  18. So what JBB?

    I feel you missed the point of my post, and this thread. What this update has done, is taken out the dedicated, effective EE clans, so that the unorganized ones who usually lost, now win?

    So we were penalized for having a strategy...? Now we can't even war?! I'm saying that there will always be tears but reversing the system is just plain lazy and wasn't the right thing to do...

    There will always be unfair matchups, that is war... War is never fair, you win and you lose, you don't always win, I felt that with the old system, an organised, well run EE clan should have no problem, yet now it's the complete reverse!
  19. I support this. I'm disappointed the devs caved into those whining about losing their EE wars. Don't like the odds? Get more members. Think before you do something devs.