I agree wars are fun. Many people stay up late or get up early to do them. Then u wake up and find a no match. Yay 10 mith. Big deal could have made gold and mith during the war. The whole system sucks. Great thread also
EE extended is useless.. It's not as if you stay in the same clan long enough to have it run out. And you win a war it increases anyways
Drunk. Do not bypass... You'll get silenced. And he was being sarcastic, just watch it alright? No need to be rude...
Womb, please excuse these two, they will be dealt with. Harlem, Drunk, off the thread and in cc, now.
Support. EE's are stupid the way they are. I don't even like EE wars but maybe i would if they weren't so asinine. Get it together devs.