no match should pay 2x mith

Discussion in 'Wars' started by _ognoM, Aug 18, 2013.

  1. I'm not mad. But I also won't be discredited just for the sake of lameness. I'm just sayin.
  2. Where is Mango?
    OP seems like an impersonator.

  3. Mongo has a somewhat valid point, No Match Found has (quite ironically) gotten 4 no matches in a row.. If that happens during s2 thats between potentially 8 and 16 rancor points being missed out on, in addition to several hundred mith
  4. ^
    that's probably their purpose.
  5. I dont get why people complained when you lose a war for getting nothing. Thats what happens in reality too, when a war is lost the country doesnt get the money back they spent on it, or the troops that were lost.

    Just saying, be happy you get something.
  6. ^they arent complaining about losing, but about not getting a match to start with
  7. I know that, but people in this thread were saying that people were complaining. Find it quite stupid.

    And if you get a no match, in a way you are getting 2x mith, cause your not using any in war, so therefore your coming out with more mith than you went into with.
  8. I've been playing way longer than your forum king mango. The 2x mith was just an idea for no match in ee wars cuz so much prep work goes into ee. Haters got to hate. Idc. Mod plz lock it and send it to the grave yard.
  9. Why would you bump this. .-.
  10. Loose = not tight
    Lose = not win
  11. Lose vs Loose

    A lot of people are mixing up lose and loose. In particular, a lot of people are writing loose when they really mean lose. Here are the definitions of the two words from my Penguin dictionary:

    loose [lOOs] adj not fastened or pre-packed; not tied up or confined; able to move freely; not tight, not firmly fixed; not close-fitting; careless, inaccurate, vague; dissolute, immoral; not closely woven; flabby; (of bowels) inclined to diarrhoea; l. box stable or van in which an animal can move about; at a l. end uncertain what to do next; unoccupied ~ loose adv in a loose way; play fast and l. behave rashly or unscupulously ~ loose n release; on the l. free from restraint; on a spree; ~ loose v/t untie, undo; release from confinement or constraint, set free; detatch; fire (gun); shoot (arrow); (eccles) absolve.

    lose (p/t and p/part lost) [lOOz] v/t and i no longer have; be deprived of by accident or misfortune; mislay, fail to find; fail to get or win; be too late for; be bereaved of; waste; be defeated or beaten; suffer loss, become worse off; fail to hear, see or understand; cause or allow to perish; (of clock or watch) go too slowly; (refl) miss the right path; become absorbed in; l. one's head become flustered, panic; l. one's temper grow angry; l. one's way fail to find the right path; l. out (US) be defeated after a struggle.


    This knot is too loose.
    Please do not lose my book.
    I had better not lose that file.
    One way to remember the difference between the two words is to think that "lose has lost an 'o'".
  12. No support. KaW doesn't need to turn into a welfare game.
  13. And Mongo, it's does not dose.

    Dose = To take a dose[/b] of medicine.

    Think dosage.
  14. Yeah that's what I said Chester Copperpot
  15. How about no? You're lucky you get any at all. I woulda made it so EE level stays the same, that's it.
  16. The OP could be saying that a no match should double the mith payout or at least give it a bonus over losing a war. Why should losers make the same payout on an eb when a clan with a no match wasn't even given a chance. It makes sense honestly.
  17. Devs did it the way they have to try and keep matchups honest with true intentioned war clans
    Might not be perfect but double mith reward for no match and a lot of clans would intentionally reduce their chances of a match just to exploit it.
    No match should get the eb
    Losers in war should just get their spent mith returned higher incentive to try to war with little incentive to exploit the system for no match