No Longer Human: Sign Up

Discussion in 'Fan Fiction' started by *iPimella (01), Aug 12, 2010.

  1. No cuz dark complained
  2. But im cool with it 
  3. We make flaming tornado

    CJ & me make sandstorm

    U and CJ make glass
  4. ™
  5. 5 more days

  6. Ima bump it cause I'm bored
  7. ™
  8. ™
  9. ™
  10. . ™
  11. 
  12. 
  13. Name: Thor Age: 19.
    Color: lime green with bones on the outside Side: for war kill them all. Ability: can heal out side the dome can control lightning of course its thor duh.. And can tranform to human looks to spy.
  14. Authors not here

    Plus there r too many prowar join antiwar
  15. And the author says all tge characters have to be 18 or younger
  16. yayz only 4 more days
  17. Still bored
  18. Bumptacular