No Longer Human: Sign Up

Discussion in 'Fan Fiction' started by *iPimella (01), Aug 12, 2010.

  1. No anti war FTW!
  2. Cassandra your character's personality is almost exactly liek mine! D:
  3. Its is sorry ill change it up if u want me too
  4. the flirting thing with other boys to get things dont go well with me
  5. I made a twin of mine if that's allowed and shes apart of anti war 
  6. Sowwy jayjay ill change it i hav no prob with it
  7. Age: 12
    personality: depressed
    gender: male
    appearance: slightly sand colored skin, green eyes, light brown hair
    anti war
    abilities: can control sand (make a sand army, a sand giant, a sand tower, etc.), can appear anywhere where there is sand.
    Weapons: staff, sand wand, abilities

    name: change it if u want idc I'm not good with names but maybe geb after the eygipian god of earth?
  8. Ya bj I said anti war
  9.  I'm their leader
  10. My twin is anti war 
  11. *pops in and sees all the 'no longer humans'* eeep!!! *runs away and escapes back to town*
  12. No war no war no war no war!
  13. Is there room for one more?
  14. To many pro war join anti war
  15. 