No Glory Sign Up

Discussion in 'Fan Fiction' started by Fangedwolf, Feb 28, 2011.

  1. Can I still make One?
  2. Yeah! I just posted the intro!
  3. Can I be ur best friend or something
  4. Maybe you become my best friend after something embarrassing happens
  5. Could i be one ?
    I need hrlp making it though
  6. Sign ups are still open, but only for villain and maybe one more hero
  7. This should be in ff
  8. nvm it is. But I thought ff didn't appear on at anymore o_O
  9. Name: Gareth
    Appearance: Curved perfectly combed hair, Tanned skin, Blue eyed, Tall, broad, Big muscles
    Power: Shapeshifter, can change into any form, but needs to see the thing to change into it
    Grade: ? Dont live in america so i dont know the grades
    Bio: From the age of 7 he has been controlling, his status as a rich and powerful person went straight to his head. Pugnaisous, Greedy and clever all rolled into 1. A real piece of work, but popular and flirty. Loved because of wealth and connections.
  10. How old is he?