Discussion in 'Strategy' started by FoDemon, Dec 11, 2012.

  1. Support, and if you beat a clan so badly that they want to surrender then give the winning clan a bonus in mith don't penalize them
  2. If you want to remove FF button. I'd also support that Mith be returned to losing team 50% for continuing the war till end.
  3. You realize I am in a clan who have not lost any of these EE wars?
    I have fought outside MG as well, had been in winning and loosing side both.
    During huge mismatch (when we were winning by 60b vs 20b) it was so boring we suggested opponent clan to FF.
    Wish you come across in a war against the clan I'm warring with. I ensure you would realize if its my opinion or a whining!
  4. Sorry which war are you talking about Empire vs Empire Rising? I hope you took into consideration that almost 20 folks in opponent clan were inactive. Or is it some other war you are boasting of?
  5. @ Nash. Look forward to warring against you or with you one day. And been in quite a few wars that are mismatched. Makes no difference how boring it can be sitting on players. Or being sat on. The winners are entitled to their rewards. A ff robs them of the opportunity to earn both plunder and mith. Personally I would rather fight to the end of a war. It's four hours not 12
    Why sign up if not prepared to fight the whole way. Even when I have been sat on and bored to death from one mismatch the thought of ff never entered my mind. I'd much rather out hits in till the end.
    Who would pay to watch a football match that the losers quit at half time. Who wants to war if your opponents are going to quit and reduce your mith earnings which is after all why we war.
    I'm not about boasting I'm about fair wars and rewards. Devs can fix match up system and sort that. Least we can do is actually war.
  6. I would not want to belong to a quitting clan, true warriors fight to the end, they dont quit half way and go back to sleep. Its unheard of. Its a 4 hr war, if your gonna war deal with it! Dont make your clan look like pansies.
  7. I always laugh at all the true warrior stuff. We are mashing buttons on a phone, relax. As for FF. As long as devs provide a FF button I support any clans right to use it. We have been in 9 estoc wars so far. So far we ff 1x and maybe 4 or so FF against us.
    As the winning team has all mith spent refunded at end of war (it's part of your payout). There is no reason the losing side should have to take that extra 2 hours of pounding.

    If devs want to see less ff, they should improve matches, offer some type of reward for losing side, or remove ff button.
  8. The FF is not the issue. The huge penalty in mith lost for wining team is issue. I can understand a team getting pounded with zero chance of victory being tempted to admit defeat and press forfeit button. It's not my style and would never do it but I can understand why they do it. The mith penalty needs to be adjusted somehow. Just to give an example in a war that I completed I got over 100 mith. In another war which I already had higher actions, plunder, and knockouts than the 100 mith payout one I got somewhere between 50-70 mith because other team hit ff button with 1hr left. The lost mith makes you so mad you want to farm/strip the person that ff (maybe it's just me) but it should not be that way. Other team should be able to admit (defeat) without penalizing the winner....
  9. Stop complaining and play the god damn game.
  10. Stewi are you talking to me? I simply offered a suggestion to an issue that I know has bothered many. Your useless comment might be better on one of the other 20 threads that is filled with numerous pages of nothing but whining, telling the devs how much they suck, or how players want to leave game.
  11. Was not aimed at you man, sorry, should have been clearer
  12. No worries. We can at least agree there has been a lot of crying lately. I personally like the new wars but they could use some tweaks of course. Also I "play the game" way more than I should :)
  13. Support, as soon as the match up is working good take down the ff button. If your not up to it dont sign up for it
  14. If there was a small mith reward for losing clan they would be more inclined to finish war even if losing badly. Early in the trials we were seriously outmatched and did not ff. I agree that its only a 4hr war and if u join you should finish it. The ff button can stay if there are incentives to stay til the end
  15. FF needs to go. If I was a spiteful person (which I can be)
    I could FF at the beginning of a war, just to be a prick, or I could FF if I, losing, just to Hurt the enemy mith total.

    The FF button is to easily abused
  16. I think they should project the losses based on a four hour war and award appropriately.
  17. Support! you sign up to war then WAR!
  18. ^ agreed.

    Given the state of the matchups the last few weeks, and the amount of complaining in the forum, clans should have expected, even prepared for the worst possible matchup imaginable. I know it's hard to prepare for a slaughter, but seriously, how many clans go into a war thinking "if we get mismatched we're going to reset as soon as possible"? Very few probably. I know my clan was prepared for it, and although the matchup was great we still got creamed. :lol:

    Point is, I support the removal of the FF button. It's a 4 hour war. If you can't hold out for at least that long, you shouldn't have registered to war in the first place knowing there was the possibility you could get slaughtered.