Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by PrestonGarvey, Apr 14, 2016.

  1. No support it a war game not an eb fairy game. Grow a pair and defend urself
  2. All these people insulting don't understand two things.
    1) Read a thread before commenting
    2) Irony
  3. Hasn't this been done already. The last one had pictures and diagrams too though.

    No support.
  4. You got to be kidding me. Haha
  5. "We need to build a wall! And it has to be built quickly!

    And I don't mind having a big, beautiful door under that wall so PvE players can come into our PvP area that always farms others, legally!
    But we need to build it now! We need to keep those PvE players OUT so NO FARMING between PvP and PvE players happen!!"

    "Yes Boss!"

    *uses 1,000,000,000,000,000 gold to build the wall*

    This post is meant to be a joke, please don't take offense!
  6. Who's gonna pay for the wall? The farmers. The farmers are gonna pay for the wall.
  8. How old are you? You spelled at least one word per sentence wrong, you said big mean bullies, and you apparently don't know that KaW stands for kingdoms at WAR! You can't try to ban farming, it's a part of the game. If you care that much stay away from OSW and find a nice clan. Or just learn how to fight back
  9. The furst 6 letters of your name are a good description of yourself you meanie pants!
  10. I started reading this thinking no one could really be lacking in common sense that much, and on top of that, be serious about petitioning an end to farming others?

    Then i read the 3rd almost had me there X-D

    But time dont waste my time.
    Make your shenanigans evident in the 2nd paragraph will you. It just saves reading into that 3rd paragraph and thinking "well hell, i got this far, may as well read the rest".

    Please take into account this fact when making your next pointless, irrelevant, troll mongering wonderful threads.
    Thank you and good day you good lookin thing you xxxx

    This has been a broadcast from your friendly neighbourhood Mad Hatter. Please stay tuned for more. And remember kids! Mercury is a no no! Thats how your uncle Hatter got so Mad in the first place :D :D
  11. The fact that you spelled first wrong and called me a meanie pants says a lot more about you ...
  12. This is a war game? Farming is natural, although I think full strips on accounts should be banned
  13. Lol a,man that thinks he is a woman should be banned from peeing in a girls bathroom. Make America safe again!
  14. The Devs should just remove the attack button and replace it tab to the oracle... Seems like the most sound and logical decision on their part
  15. OR have a automatic clr me post for wc!
  16. This thread pretty gay. Just like men using kissing emoji with other players on kaw. First no kissing then no farming