NO drops on EB's!

Discussion in 'Strategy' started by -Si_Abang-, Dec 6, 2012.

  1. We did TT last night and it dropped to like 30 people
  2. i got all item drop from eb..and me reset..=),eb item so important ?Lol..
  3. Have you recently
    1. Broken any mirrors
    2. Walked under a ladder
    3. Had a black cat cross your path
    4. Stepped on any sidewalk cracks

    That could be the source of your problem. I advise you
    1. Throw salt over your right shoulder
    2. Get a 4 leaf clover
    3. Get some horse shoes (used ones are best)
    4. Pet a puppy

    If that doesn't work, leave your clan and come to mine. MARE has crazy good luck with item drops
  4. Moose… hooves?

  5. Mose have cloven hooves with dew claws, so fitting shoes for us is complicated.

    Horses have a single hoof, which ismuch simpler to manage.
  6. a puppy?
  7. Even if petting a puppy does not bring you luck, it will bring you joy, and that's always a win
  8. Used horshoes.....
  9. Like a sugar pill? Or placebo?
  10. Oh hi deni,u know my main arbiter
  11. theres two things: 1, since the estoc wars, the devs have lowered the drop rate to increase people's want to war. 2, alot of your clan mates may already have the items
  12. Hey arbiter :3
    I still have your tag on my wall ;)
  13. I don't think the drop rate has lowered at all.

    I know somebody who in the past 4 days or so has picked up 5 pieces of equip and 6 inferno as well.

    Lucky bastard...


    Actually, over the past 4 days said player has done 5 equip EBs total...and gotten equip from each one -_-
  14. lol I feel your pain. My clan hasn't had a drop in 5 days, most of the clan has no equip at all
  15. @ididntdoit were you in Lethal Shadows for a bit, until everyone moved to the Zephyr Elites?
  16. How do I find out what the different drops are on the ebs
  17. Check out the EB guide in the strategy section for drop info.
  18. Look through the glasses of knowledge
  19. I just got a feather last night.. so they definitely still drop. Just keep trying.