Also like to add: Chocolate23 ofc And wenderful (or whichever is her main) and others for opening during pvp blitz. Now that's sacrifice!
When it comes to the men in blue, more than three names come to mind but I'll name a few. The obvious one being chocolate, he's done a serious job for the community, serving as KaW's stat manager. Tracking EB drops to guides for nooblets, he's the top dude for the Aqua color. Following chocolate, I would probably roll with Prime. He's like a toned down version of Ashes, with a more 9 plus booby reputation he sets a high standard when it comes to foruming wit and humor. And lastly, I predict HTLFreak, he's done a lot when it comes to EE in the past, and continues updating his work at time goes on. He's dedicated to his work, respect. I would roll with Ashes, but his history with the dev team probably nullified any chances of him being officially recognized as a rad member of the community however, he's more than earned the title to most of the individuals who have seen his posts and remarks both on forums and in-game. When it comes to the mod team, I believe Ashes would be a great choice, because I think he's got one of the best understandings of the ToU considering his experience with the law If Titan were to agree to return to the mod team, which I don't forsee (but you never know ), he's dedicated to making the community a better place. And last, I can totally see the OP himself turning into one of the grinches. His activity of forums would be great to the mod team. There's my two cents.
Only one person in mind for VK is "argiee" She takes time out to help new players build, volleys with them, helps them grow, I'm one of her pupils. Keeping new players interested is what keeps Kaw going. #ARGIEE FOR VK
Goes without saying... Ashes and Rikki for vk, modding isn't really their style.. I mean if anything they should bring back forum mods.. There's a serious lack of attention paid to forums by the current mod team and there's a lot of garbage gets to pollute AT for much longer than it should.. Eagle was always good for that, but sadly, the eagle appears to have landed.. Shout out to Daph doing a good job coming around every so often Bring back forum mods, lord know we have some die hard people here, *cough cough* that KNOW the ins and outs better than they should.. Or maybe just maybe it's time for something totally new, and a different colour, yes for sure a different colour Short list for forum mods Ashes Rikki Cheese Cheeses current target Kezzer Seth and a few others that shall remain nameless
I still like to think that I didn't cross the line often as much as the lines crossed my steps as I took them..
Well the forum mod rank was just merged into the regular mod rank however it definitely has its advantages. Forum moderating means less training and also more focus on a specific area which I do feel the forums need right now. When you say something new what kind of thing would you propose? Also what color? Also in all fairness to the current mod team they are doing a great job. The main issue is the community itself when it comes to mod relations. No matter what they do we find something to complain about which has been highly prevalent due to "over censorship". Some things needed to be censored and others didn't. The issue is the community just raged at the mods every time something was censored even if it needed to be.
I'd love to see Chocolate23 and AshesofEden As valiant knights because chocolates guides are excellent, the updates of what EBs drop event items etc is always the fastest place to go for information with no frills, just straight up facts. AshesofEden has been rampaging around for forums for many moons now and he/she seems to create some awesome threads, stories and even random posts that keep everyone entertained. Way too often are people so serious about the game so it's nice to see a random thread of discussion that's light hearted and fun!
Let's call them Unicorn ambassadors.. They can have purple or pink names, and robots will be included in their ranks.. Purely here to moderate forums and make sure people are having fun!! Sounds like fun actually
I think this thread raises a crucial point regarding VK. As someone who is constantly on the lookout for more (I love the colour blue), it is very hard to tell which players are having a positive and beneficial impact in the game if they aren't visible, either in wc or forums. This sucks because, as people have highlighted, there are some serious war leaders in EE that may deserve recognition, who aren't in forums or wc often (because they are doing their war biz). How can we get around this?