Next Mod/VK discussion

Discussion in 'Other KaW Discussion' started by Kezzer, Apr 9, 2016.

  1. Lets put it this way kaw desperatly needs quality mods .Not just ones that are all prim and proper .we need ones that show their personality and things we can all relate to .iProphet played the game to win and showed strength and determination.These are shining attributes and the only ones who don't want him to be a mod are those who fear he takes the spotlight from them. if Yarmes was given mod then I don't see why iProphet isn't made one too.
  2. I agree we need a few more mods, and yes, Yarmes was given mod. However, a new community manager is here now. I think Naz was the one who brought the old mods like Benny and Yarmes on. While I did like them, I think they made mistakes that altered the selections of moderators. I doubt we will see anymore mods like them.

    While I think the mods currently just have an activity issue, the thing is that a few mods like Daph, Drgn, and Karma are all very liked by the general community.
  3. The last time I saw a mod in the Asia/Europe wc was back in 2015... and no, I'm not even kidding.

    The mod-leaks affair should have brought a cut, but all it brought was an ostrich-like digging its head in the sand reaction.
    This farce honestly pissed off quite a few loyal customers and I think the whole system needs an overhaul. The whole interaction with development and customer service needs a reworking.

    Well, as for the VKs, that's a defunct program that sounded great on paper when it was released but stopped working due to total inactivity from ATA's side six months into the program.
  4. Absolutely.

    It would simply allow the program do be as it was always meant to be. Good people who make kaw better in their own way. There's no obligation to take VK if the devs choose you and if you're always a good person and helpful then what's the harm in others trying their best to be nice? Regardless of the incentive.
  5. We absolutely need a few more mods. People shouldn't be able to get away with bypassing 10+ times before they're silenced.
  6. I was a mod well before Naz was employed at ATA. The founders of the company asked me to moderate for them.

    Edit: neither yarmes or I altered the selection of moderators at all lol. The new, current selection process was implemented prior to Yarmes starting.
  7. I agree they need to add a few additional people to the mod team. Who? I dont know.
  8. chocolate23 for vk
  9. I think I've come to the point now where it's not worth worrying about. ATA is a business and if from a business standpoint it's not worth the effort to select new mods when they have paid employees who can do the same job, why waste time?

    I don't think they should give up on VK though, as when VK was more fresh and popular it seemed like forums was pretty active with people trying to help out or just troll those who were trying.
  10. It's in the VK code 
  11. How is it that chocolate23 doesnt have any of them? Helps more than a lot of mods not gonna lie, next mod/Vk should be chocolate23
  12. Re:

    People keep saying he should be next mod or whatever, but how do we know he's even applied? I agree with VK, but if they don't want it then why do we keep pressing it?
  13. Re: Re:

    Valid point snoop. But to those who have tried and applied, why no new mods and most importantly. Why do devs ignore us? At least a mind your own dang business message is better than what we get now.
  14. I once told a manager of mine that he needed to report to my office at 930 for a failed mystery shop survey. I wanted to talk to them. The next morning I intently had my secretary show them in promptly at 930 but I didn't appear there until 946.....I can only imagine what was going through their mind while they sat in that hot seat. Then as I walked in I asked them what they could have done in that 16 minutes? The same exact time they made my customer wait in line at their office.

    My point here is that while we all sit here and try to think what's going on, ATA is not communicating with us through mods/Vk or through their own staff. We sit here in the Hot seat trying to figure it out...Yes this is a game but it is innertwined with our lives and we should get some type of communication.
  15. Reserved for future statement
  16. Re: Re:

    Yeah, forgot to add that point lol
  17. Well said.

    I do agree, and I've messaged some powerful apes about this. Even after adding developer accounts to forums, there's no communication at all.

    Even developers participating in off topic discussion would help. The fact is that it's been 3 months since the addition of developer forum accounts, and yet I've yet to see a message from them that isn't on an event thread.

    While I agree developers need to do something with mods/VKs, I think the first step is to at least talk rather than jump in head first.
  18. I also want to add to my previous analogy that if I were the customer and was forced to wait without an explanation....I sure as heck would go to the competitor next time. Think about that apes. Your customer base has a choice. Either start speaking up or we get to create our own explanations to the masses.
  19. Bump for Charles