Next Mod/VK discussion

Discussion in 'Other KaW Discussion' started by Kezzer, Apr 9, 2016.

  1. Moody is one of the few active VK's. I'll admit that.

    Edit: I also did not know Wulf was removed.

    That's a step in a better direction when it comes to keeping the title. Though, knowing Wulf, he probably asked to be removed as VK rather than the devs making that call. Still, I stand by my statement that Ashes should be VK and until he does, the title holds no true prestige.
  2. I suppose not everyone knows about why Wulf is no longer around.
  3. No amount of new mods or VKs or other fancy titles is going to fix the problems in KaW. Adding new mods is only another bandaid fix to a game that needs a lot more than that. Developer visibility is needed before moderator visibility.

    Adding new moderators would, quite frankly, throw them into the deep end. Moderators cop a lot of flack for their decisions and lack of decisions. Being essentially a direct line to the devs also keeps them busy. I know myself, that I have had lengthy conversations with a few mods RE the devs and the state of the game. There is little response from the dev team, mods are the next best thing.

    Never before have I seen such disgruntlement, anger and disappointment toward the developer team as of right now. I imagine that leaks over to the moderator team as they navigate through the negative state that is forums. As well as being seen as the dev 'pets'. Moderators are some what representative of the developer team, so to speak. Negativity to devs leaks over to mods. In my observation, any way.

    You reckon mods are spread thin because there's not enough mods? Or the others aren't visible enough? No I think mods are spread thin because the devs have their handsome heads up their lovely behinds. They're the go to help because at least you know you'll get a response.

    Perhaps it's time the developers became involved in their own game and stop expecting the players to do their job for them.

    Players and mods can only do so much. We can't fix all problems in KaW.
  4. I think the reason new mods/VK aren't being selected at the time as we can see it is primarily due to the issues recently caused by mods and VK. Mod chat room leaks, account selling, and going inactive are some for the mods. VK issue has mainly an activity with the community. Like why is UnicornPoopCookie still a VK? I saw him for 2 months, got VK, then disappeared 2 weeks later and haven't seen him since.

    I get that it's a tough job, but I agree in a way that mods and devs need to be more of a presence. It's starting to feel like gaw right after its high point, back in early 2013. Players can't fix it. Devs can. They know what to do, they aren't a new business and know what they're doing, I hope.
  5. How many months ago was that? And devs are still silent. Knowing full well that many players saw the leaked screenshots.

    Rightly or wrongly, impressions and perceptions play a big role. By keeping silent devs look like their hiding something. They're burying their head in the sand instead of simply being open and honest with the players.

    If it wasn't leaked, it wouldn't be a problem. Players wouldn't know about it. No issue. But because we know something happened , they should be putting out some sort of a statement.

    They should have just done that in the first place. I bet it would have shut the players up about it. It doesn't make the devs look good. Not at all.

    Doesn't make applying for mod look to appealing either.

    And after such a problem within the moderator team (obviously without knowing full details), I can't imagine they're in a hurry to bring in more.

    Once again though, only a problem the devs can fix. Players can't do it all.

    Wake up devs. Before it is too late.
  6. What were these SS of that I missed?
  7. I would be a great vk so long as I get speakers to answer questions and socialize with the kawmmunity
  8. I beg to differ, sir.
  9. Vk don't get free speakers sadly
  10. In other words, only do good things in hopes to get a title, and not because you're a good person. Is this game full of that many jerks that there needs to be an incentive? Lol!
  11. Yes
  12. TODD VK 2016
  13. iProphet for next mod .Look at how in the short space of time that he returned he got people jumping to attention.He knows the game inside out and people who the crowd say no way would they be able to do the job.They turn out to be the best ones for the situation overall.Give iProphet a chance !!
  14. What is a valiant knight
  15. That's not how this works. Plus, devs wouldn't give him any title. In all respect, no way it will happen. Notice how the attention was primarily negative. Not something they want right now.
  16. As said by the great God kaw_creative; VK's are players recognized for being a positive role model within the community.
  17. Snoopy the only thing that stands out on this game that needs to be moderated is bullying .You need someone who is confident in how they carry themselves.Someone with a reputation and are known to mean what they say and don't get swayed by sweet talk.Someone who will quickly put a end to it. iprophet is like Saber funny and got good advice and is is knowledgeable in every area of ee so can answer all questions or problems that arise.I think he would do a great job.
  18. The attention he got was only negative by the people jealous knowing he would take over the places that they had got .Alot of people want others gone so they can shine once more .
  19. He gets a lot of negative attention because the majority doesn't like him. Lots of people don't, but I agree he does know what he's talking about, but just because he knows stuff doesn't mean they're going to give him a chance. Plus, he'd need to apply, which I don't think he has.