Next LB Strip

Discussion in 'Wars' started by Thor-MightyHammer, Jan 19, 2015.

  1. Val
    Oh wait, val is not lb. just a loudmouth.
  2. You're right it's probably closer to 2000. I personally haven't counted.
  3. My guess is.... and I'm only giving it, like 1/10 odds, that it will be any one of those fore mentioned 10 lb players who, evidently, are all on either one side or the other of an OSWS.

    Is OP witless? Cast your votes here 
  4. Should I reset if I'm stripped from redstar? XD
  5. No one has the gold to strip Redstar

  6. You should either way
  7. Yet
  8. idk... maybe? :lol: :lol:
  9. Op doesn't realize 400t is chump change to redstar
  10. Uhm no, I think we all remember the dumbass who was Unknown? Right? Everyone remembers that little idiot. He claimed many times in my old pm that he had a bank with 619t and another bank with 490t. So if you really think about it, when he told me that, it was probably when the top 2 ally lb only had 1000t in allies. So he was rich enough to strip both of the accounts.
  11. wait. you are laying insults on this guy, but believe his claims about his banks?
  12. I say Ops when he posts with his main unless he only has this statless acc.
    My alts can retire til he grows n can PvP.
  13. The NOOB retains all rights to remain a NOOB.
  14. It's called sarcasm bud. Sorry if you didn't understand. Forums are for big boys
  15. says the statless alt. :roll:
  16. Says the 396kcs alt actually.
  17. How much does red have in allies?..
  18. [​IMG]

    my question was faux-naïf. (i was pointing out how your "sarcasm" was unartfully done).


    "statless alt" is a kaw term for an alt that is too small to be hit by an average sized player.
  19. He had a bit over 600t 2 years ago....I'd imagine that's more than doubled by now
  20. Red is untouchable. Same with cella