News Flash: Regulators vs IG OSW

Discussion in 'Wars' started by The_Philosopher, Jan 4, 2013.

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  1. The extra clans warring against LR are -WiT- family clans. So they war we war. That simple.
  2. Regulators stay off this thread.
    We speak in news feeds
    Good luck to all involved.

    ★ R ∑ G μ L ∆ † o R § ★
  3. Things are heating up! Something doesn't add up which I can't quite put my finger on it.
  4. so lets see here…you expected to war a single clan amongst a family and NOT take hits from subs?? Yaaaa… someone has 0 war expirience. sub clans are branches of the main clan and when they are osw subs theyre ALWAYS ready to back the main not when needed but when war breaks out.
  5. Is it really a surprise that Regs joined LR .... They should call Regs and LR the devs ***** mod clans
  6. I know who iG's family clans are, I dont intend to get into a lengthy discussion about this in the forums. Got work to do. However:
    1. Good vs Evil is not an iG sub clan
      -Silent Shadows- is not an iG sub clan
      Tubble Bomb is not an iG sub clan
      Easy's Retreat is not an iG sub clan

    All these clans have joined iG against LR. This is what I was referring to.
  7. What if these other clans joined in this war on their own terms? It doesn't necessarily means iG asked them...right?
  8. Goodluck to all clans involved, respect to both Regs and iG clans as I have been a member of both of your clans.
  9. Interesting development, but i know this is going to happen anyways..

    I suspect since regs joined more clans are standing by and on a hyper alert status.. I know 1 more clan which will be joining LR soon.. If that clan is activated, things will likely evens out the odd for LR.. That clan.. Hmmmm
  10. ^ yes no **** stripper.. True story
  11. All these wit family clans must be a new addition lol. Weren't around when we strip farmed wit down to 30-40 members during our war.

  12. @ Wulf

    Not sure if this information is that accurate. I'm 99% sure that Silent Shadows has been a subclan of IG for quite a few months now. I can see in Tubble Bomb's history quite a few IG/Wit members who did EE wars there.

    However it does bring up a good argument. What is the difference between a sub-clan and an alined clan? Do you consider, say WAR and Osiris to be subclans? Is LR a subclan of Regs? Do all those big Zaft clans all sub clans because they have Zaft in their title? Does a title make a clan a subclan and not an allied clan? Some explanation might be needed here.
  13. Pretty soon it will be 20clans fighting each other. Kaw world war 3
  14. Dude KaW world war 3 has come and gone... You noobs need a history lesson. We'd be on about the 5th or 6th depending on who u talked to
  15. @Wulf

    Actually I am very surprised you didn't know SS was not an IG subclan. Sounds like a flimsy excuse to bail out Bellemorte.

    Also I hear wath and lust have joined in. I guess they are regulator subclans so it is okay? lol the hypocrisy.
  16. @Philo first you say "you're not sure if the information is accurate", 99% sure though, then you ridicule Wulf for not knowing..

    Sounds like you don't know exactly either.

    Also, for an unbiased observer, you're sounding more and more biased daily..
  17. But drgn the fact is he claimed that his information may not be accurate while it seems vulf was claiming his word to be somewhat infallible. Correct me if I misinterpreted. But Jesus Christ if anyone knew the history between Phil and I you wouldn't believe I'm taking his side so that's got to stand for something. Even if it just signifies my neutral stance in this conflict I have friends and fam on both sides, and with every war propaganda is bred, neither side is ever innocent and I will call out either side if their so called facts seem immaculate or phony. I will also stand corrected if sufficient evidence is placed in front of me contradicting what I have said.
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