Newb Age

Discussion in 'Wars' started by Apache, Oct 10, 2013.

  1. Lmao - intermass decided to follow an idiot like balto. Credibility they earned over a long time gone in one single decision.

    I have to admit I'm amazed at that decision 

    Snr 
  2. Well,
    Why have to go grab popcorn,
    When you can get some from me!
    Your local Reindeer Flying A Sleigh And Promoting Fried Chicken And Selling Popcorn!
    And only one inc?!?!
    You guys can't do any better?
  3. Oh yes balto that "noob" with the 1 mill SSD and about 12 mill cs and uber boss equipment that has been taught how to fight...

    Honestly balto started out a noob like us all. He's been taught out of it.. Rather savagely at that. Snr, keep your facts updated :D
  4. You're too loveable.
  5. Trust me - balto is a noob not a newb and certainly not even close to being a decent fighter.
  6. As for knowing how to fight  you'd due if boredom before he did anything to anyone
  7. Support to both clans. More osws. Love it. Make it rain noob tears..
  8. I think snr might have a bromance with balto, it's all he ever talks's cool we all been there
  9. ^ 
  10. Aren't we making the assumption there's someone in Noob Age gangsters who can read?

    Should we just call Twicc's jailor and ask to talk to him after his caning for public drunkeness?
  11. Cynder going to go inactive soon again like a little girl good job Cyn to pissed off us you will see me on your news soon
  12. So,
    Errrr you guys over there?
    Or am I just hoping for more then one assassinate?
  13. Finally your big mouth paying off Cyn 
  14. What are you talking about Smiley?
  15. Dont know why we start fight, or who new age is. Dont know balto either, even he in clan though. Cant say we meet yet hehe but, Licki will fight with Intermass. Reason dont matter really, no one bully. Is war game.

    So let us war. -Licki
  16. Hell yes !!!!
  17. Finally,
    You guys did something.
    But really?
    Just scouting?
  18. I've had more inc from a guy named sifu than I have from a month of being noob ages perm farm
  19. Don't worry Liki, newb age is nothing you'll have to ever worry about. They peaked a long time ago, and haven't done anything relevant lately.