Newb Age

Discussion in 'Wars' started by Apache, Oct 10, 2013.

  1. Yes,
    Follow the pretty dot...
  2. Clumsy 
  3. Sup uni? :D trying to capture Santa i see :p
  4. We attack an individual who is rude to us, we get called bullies. We attack a clan who is rude to us, still bullies. There is no pleasing you people.

    Inter has been mouthing off in forums with no accountability. Because you're smaller then us we should just let you run your mouths? Whether you meet our ceasefire terms or not, we hold you accountable for the rubbish spewing from your air holes.

    You offer a spot in your clan to Balto, a silly individual who is a clan farm to us for doing exactly what you are doing.

    How did you think this would turn out? Seriously. You might walk over and bully smaller clans. You won't do it to us. You are just like Alison. Cowards who try to appeal to the common folk with pathetic forums about how hardcore you are.

  5. *Grabs popcorn* gl to both
  6. ^ out we got a badass over here....
  7. Mouthing off Via cracking a few jokes and stating opinions! Like i said get your tractors, we get our tractors and we meet in the field and plow some people. We don't take well to threats, Like your clan mate said, It's self preservation. ;) Enjoy
  8. Farming contest!
  9. To OP

    Please go **** age up!!!!
  10. Support to my friends at intermass! If all my accnts weren't in osw u would come and have some fun.
  11. *has to grab another bag of popcorn*
  12. Glad I stocked up recently from zaft osw
  13. I ran out… But maybe I should stock up. These OSW's are becoming pretty common now