60% of food stamp recipients already work full time 30% have mental illness... You're wrong and I said can not But due to the wording It proved the opposite of the message I tried getting across so I fixed it.
In a country where you can get disability for having adhd, a statistic such as 30% have a mental illness is not impressive. As for the 60%, get a better job and don't have kids until you can afford them. Being 18, pregnant and working at McDonalds is the ticket to free stuff these days. At that, this is not a welfare post. Lets keep it on topic.
All I see is a lot of talk the fact is we won't ever get rid of the guns in the u.s. and with all the hype about guns being a problem putting everyone in a panic is just a cover up and not a solution I say we (rednecks lol) go down get our cwp perms or hell carry that ar or ak right on your shoulders where ever we go and start defending our country... This may sound silly or stupid to some of yalls but I guarantee mass shooting would be reduced just shootings Good luck stopping anyone from illegally getting a firearm in the u.s. the only thing strict gun laws are going to do is make it a pain for someone that should have a gun and make everyone's legal guns much more expensive on the black market that's it.. So shut up and go get your cwp lol... Have at it
TNT, people don't plan to have kids at 18. Teen pregnancy is a result of inadequate education towards contraception. How are people going to get a better job when there are few jobs available? For many people they are simply in circumstances that don't allow them to seek a better job or better skills - if there was, they'd seek it. Sure, you like to think that you're better than other people because you are in a better position than them - buy you forget the opportunities you've had that they never had.
Nathan, every 18 year old knows how kids are made. They know what condoms are. They know what birth control is. As for jobs, I realize some people fall on hard times, and I know there's people with masters degrees working at walmart. There is always ways to better yourself though as long as you make smart choices. I've worked at walmart and home depot for barely more than minimum wage. I've done maintenance work for double minimum wage. I now owe 55 grand and counting in student loans, and charge $45-$150 hourly for my services. For every person that says they didn't have the opportunity, there is a person that had less and did more.
Have you really tried though? Licencing for gun owners. Registration for all firearms sold. No license produced then no gun or ammo sales. Yes, if you brought in those changes today you could still go out tomorrow and buy a gun and ammo from your black market for next to nothing...but what about in two years time when it's harder to obtain guns legally for illegal purposes? What about when the person who buys the gun suddenly has to account for its whereabouts? Suddenly your cheap black market gun is harder to get, suddenly it becomes more expensive. Gun control shouldn't mean stripping people of their right to guns. It should be about making people responsible when the do exercise their constitutional rights i.e. if you are an irresponsible idiot or a criminal then you shouldn't legally be able to own a gun. You won't stop illegal ownership but you sure as hell can stifle it.
There can be no accountability for black market guns. They just remove the serial numbers. Also, permits are already required to purchase handguns in many states. It hasn't reduced gun violence one bit.
Are you suggesting that having to register every firearm that is legally purchased won't make it harder to obtain a gun for nefarious purposes? Required "in many states" is a half arsed attempt at gun laws. Until the United States of America can actually be united in common firearms laws any attempts you make by city or state to place some sort of controls around who can buy guns is futile.
People who obtain guns for nefarious purposes usually don't do it legally, so no, I don't think it'll make it harder for the bad guys to get their hands on guns. A federal gun control law is to interstate gun trade what a porous border is to drug control
As cheese hinted at, and as has been mentioned many times. Making something illegal does not get rid of it. Look at Americas war on drugs. They bring them across the border in 50lb bales on their backs. Google 80% lower receiver. Ar-15's are pretty easy to make.
Person A with no criminal record walks into gun shop and buys firearm. No requirement for a license to purchase gun or ammo, no requirement to register the gun. Person A walks out of gun shop and sells gun to his "homie" with no requirement to register the sale. "Homie" goes into walmart and buys more ammo whenever he wants. Laws change. Person A now needs a licence to purchase a gun and ammo. Person A now has a firearm registered to him that can be traced to him. Person A is now taking a much bigger risk because that firearm is linked to him in a national database. "Homie" now needs a gun licence to legally purchase ammo so "homie" now needs to obtain it illegally which is still possible but just that little bit harder. Common gun laws across all 50 states will remove the ridiculous situation now where one side of the street can have open carry but the other side of the street is the City of Chicago where the laws are restrictive.
No, and I fail to see how you got that. What I'm saying is banning something does not get rid of it. Marijuana is gaining acceptance in America. Before medical marijuana cards got popular though, it was the "pot heads" illegally smoking it, not the people with cancer and other illnesses that are now getting cured from it. My point? Again, has been made several times. Make something illegal or harder to get, and the only ones that will get it are the ones that do it illegally. Super strict gun laws will keep the majority of people from owning guns, but their will still plenty for the criminals.
Moss, you do realize serial #'s are easily removed right? How do you track a gun with no serial #? As for the ammo, loading your own is all too easy.
Loading your own is easy and readily done by most gun enthusiasts. It takes effort though and will deter some wannabe thugs.
I'm just spit balling here, but in this scenario I now see a big "illegal" business in the ammo selling industry. Btw, as I have stated a few times before I am not against sensible ideas and restrictions. If I seem to be arguing, it's more to ignite ideas. As long as the other person has better suggestiong than idiots like frog that can't say more than "be like japan"
Who's talking about banning guns? Criminal background check, maybe a quick psych test. All clear then pay a small fee and get a license. Once you have a licence, any further purchases you make are recorded. No law abiding citizen is denied their right to own a gun but they suddenly have to be just that little bit more cautious. Want to buy ammo for an AR-15. Sorry sir but your licence says you only own a 9mm handgun. Over time it will make it harder to obtain guns. *illegally