Maybe you should compare suicide data between Japan the and US. Apparently you don't need a gun to kill yourself.
Key words here is "to my knowledge". Cheese is basically talking out of his ass. No proof to anything he is saying. Embarrassing.
@TNT Lol like I said, stories. No stats to back it up. An Uber driver stopped a crime? Wow... So impressive. I'll just relax in my country which usually has less than 10 related gun deaths a year. Gun deaths per capita her are 0.00 per 100,000. America could clean out their gun problem if they would just grow some MCNuggets and do it. In the 16th century Japan had more gun and more advanced guns than anywhere in the world. Within 50 years the Tokunaga Shogunate cleaned it all out. Problem with American politics is they plan for the next quarter year instead of the next quarter century. Those gun idiots feel if a law doesn't show effect in 2 months it's a "failure". Be patient and grow a pair and in 25 years you will have a much safer society. Lol by the way, California gun laws aren't strict. They're a joke. In my country you can't own a pellet gun without going through a process that takes over two years. Come back when you pass some real laws which haven't been watered down by the racist NRA.
That was beautiful. And as repetitive and simple as it may seem, it's true. A responsible gun owner with a gun, can stop a killer with a gun. As I recall, teachers in Israel carry guns. You hear of many school shootings there?
Frog, an answer I expected from you. You claimed civilians stopping shooters was just stories, I gave actual instances, and your only response was "stories!". Again, as of you are aware if what goes on in our country. As well, you didn't answer my question on what methods you would do to fix the problem. Expected that too. No intelligence from you, just ignorance and opinions from across the ocean. Takes two years to get a pellet gun? Cool, I can illegally get a gun today for under $200. Notice how I said illegally, as in against any laws that should stop me from doing so. In the 16th century you guys were still shooting arrows, so unless you have proof, that sounds like the same regurgitated stuff you post on every gun thread. Btw, congrats on your lack of guns. If war ever comes to American soil, we have 300 million guns if our army falls. Hope nobody makes it to your soil. Would be like tskig candy from a baby.
@Tnt No, you misread my post. I said you never gave statistical evidence, and that you only had stories. You then proved my point by giving only random stories. Try to read before you give your knee-jerk reactions.
Go ahead and report all you like cheese. I reported you on the last gun thread debate. Remember the one you posted obscene pictures on. Because you totally threw a wobbly. I posted every stat and figure going from British to USA FBI crime files. Your answer was to deliberately get the thread locked because you couldn't counter the evidence from your own law enforcement establishments. And yep sorry bud but you were one of among three people that professed to own guns and would kill, shoot defend against law enforcement officers attempting to confiscate your guns. So go ahead and cry slander. After your comments in the sexuality thread and your obscene pictures on the last gun thread you have nothing of consequence to say to anyone. Now enjoy quoting me. And crying. As I said. I'm happy for you to cry about guns and live with the consequences. But its still a shame you guys do a far better job of shooting yourselves than Isis ever could. I'll just watch the gun threads, people like you won't ever change. But. You will hang yourselves publicly. I'm just glad no FBI ever read your statements. Heck sweety. I'd put your paranoid butt on a watch list for sure Toodles. Ps. Last post on this thread. It's seriously not worth the time.
Arm everyone, ppl less likely to shoot at someone with a gun and at the same time terrorist would leave u alone. They only go after the weak.
Problem with Americans is whenever a foreigner makes an observation about their country, they immediately crap themselves and get hostile over it.
You can't prove non-existence. Sorry you missed that lecture in your critical thinking class. Don't worry - I won't judge
Really? Most terror attacks in the USA aren't done by Muslims. Dylan Roofe wasn't Muslim, the guy who shot up planned parenthood wasn't Muslim. Columbine shooters weren't Muslims, Colorado shooter wasn't Muslim. Oklahoma City bombing wasn't done by Muslims. You are legit brainwashed if you think Muslims are the only terrorists. So good job media, you've done your job, this guy is your poster boy for the new age in America. Better make Muslims where patches to identify them on their shoulders. Worked so well before historically
Frog, again an expected answer from you. You can't answer any questions asked, and do not reply to most of my post. That tends to happen though when somebody enters a discussion about something in which they have zero knowledge. As for Americans getting hostile over foreigners. I stated before that foreign opinions are great. Opinions and possible solutions are awesome. You don't bring that though. Your first post is saying Americans are delusional and how we need to join the civilized world. You have not once in this post given a thoughtful solution. Your only answer is gun control. Also as I have stated, gun control is a extremely broad term that really doesn't say anything. Don't have an opinion other than how great Japan is? Go find a Japanese thread. You guys can talk about how bad its going to be when Russia and China decide they want a piece of America, and your island gets ran over in the process. Gonna be like France in ww2.
Ya lets forget the mass sniper shootings. The uss cole bombimg. The towers. The recent shooting. All the failed attempts we've stopped. The current isis threat ..all related to muslim extremism.. Didn't say it would eliminate all our problems ya it would shore up a lage part of our current terror concerns... During war times in the past in other countries it was common practice to not allow certain people into your country for security reasons. Only in todays super sensitive society is it a crime to even bring ut up
EXTREMISM. You just said it yourself. Extremists only represent about 0.1% of the Muslim religion. And yet you want to demonize the entire religion and "get rid of them". I'm well aware of Muslim extremist attacks as you need to know those numbers to know that they are much lower than the numbers of terror attacks in the US by groups other than Muslim extremists. The main problem is how the media and public reacts to it. Muslim connection? TERRORISM! Anything else? "Mental health, quiet loner, possible drug use, etc." If you can't see the blatant hypocrisy in media coverage I feel bad. Even this most recent tragedy I chuckled at the media "we haven't identified if this is terrorism yet" aka "we haven't determined the skin color and possible faith of the attacker. Use your brain.
This is not a viable solution nor answer. I could beat someone with a frozen turkey and it would be considered an "assault weapon". You must first define "assault weapon". Liberals want to ban specific guns bc they're scary in appearance. It's just wrong.