Another idiot with the "in my country" crap, not realizing that comparing countries is comparing apples and oranges.
Yeah, frog. Looks like gun control is working out really well for the "civilized world." It treated France especially well last month.
There are tons of cases where shootings have been prevented by lwfully armed citizens. What the hell are you smoking, optimal? Quit trolling, bro. Seriously.
lol your argument sucks. Why is comparing countries like comparing apples and oranges? What proof do you offer that measures taken one country don't work in others? Civil rights for women originated in countries like Britian and America and have now been adopted in many countries all over the world. Should Japan not have adopted voting rights for women because it originated in America? If you're gonna make fun of an argument don't be half-assed about it with some "apples and oranges" cliche. Only morons do that.
This is my philosophy for radical muslims. Except we broke that rule and let them in. Just saying. Also, where are your statistics to support your argument that nobody has ever stopped a mugging, a robbery, an assault, or any sort of violence against them, shootings included, in the last however many years? Because offhand i can think of quite a few.
And why are you putting words in my mouth again? Where did I say I would kill police? Actually, I'm reporting you for slander.
:shock: Easy there, just because his mother dropped him on his head as a child doesn't mean he's a bad person.
Whoa, chaos. Did you really just claim that civilians have never stopped a shooter? Wow. The ignorance. Should I tell you to educate yourself on the topic more, or would you like me to start listing cases?
None of these morons who claim civilians toting weapons save lives ever offer any statical evidence to support it. It's always " I know a guy blah blah blah. " Fact is keeping a gun in your house raises your chance of being killed by one. Mostly likely you'll use it to kill yourself of your spouse before you'd ever use it on a burglar.
2 seconds on DuckDuckGo yielded this. ... oting.html I'm sure there are more.
Frog, you are right apples to oranges is a general statement that offers no depth answers, similar to "invoking a simple amount of gun control". Moron. Fact- California has some of the strictest gun control laws in the states. Fact-US citizens own about 1/3 of the guns in the entire world. More than any country, and any military. So tell me frog, what is your advice, apart from a general idea of being more like that little island you live on? make it Harder to get guns? Guess what, as you can tell from fact #2, we already have them. Take guns away from civilians? Who will do that? So give me an educated response as to how specifically we can reduce these events, and give me an answer that does not include measures already taken by the government and separate states.
In Chicago this year, an uber driver with a concealed permit shot a gunman that opened fire on a crowd In philadelphia this year, a man with a concealed carry permit shot and stopped a gunman that opened fire in a barber shop. In philadelphia last year, a psychiatrist names Lee Silverman shot a patient that had opened fire on them in a hospital, stopping the shooting. In south Carolina in 2012 a man armed with a shotgun kicked in a church door. Aaron guyton, a man inside the church had a concealed carry license, drew on the gunman and had others in the church disarm him. In winnemucca Nevada a man opened fire in a bar with 300 patrons inside, killing two before he was shot and killed by a patron. Shall I keep going? That was 5 minutes worth of searching, but I'm sure I can find a lot morre. But go ahead, sit there and try to act like you are aware of our situation, even though you have probably (guess) never even been on us soil. Plain ignorance.
Hmmmm, an article in today's Washington Post, regarding Obama's recent address: "Legislation to prevent suspected terrorists, on the no-fly list from buying guns was defeated by the Senate." That one blows my mind. If someone deemed too dangerous to get on a plane, can still purchase firearms - are we not all able to agree that SOME changes should be made? Im not saying burn all the guns, but can we just get on the same page and say at least some kind of controls need to come into play? Then argue to the extent?
Former US senator, Ted Kennedy is on the no fly list. That's why it didn't pass. The list is based on associations, not criminal acts or intent.
Yup scrote. A good point, and a good possible law that was unfortunately shot down. As I've said before, I'm one of the few republicans (I assume) that believes some measures can and should be taken.
I think the problem is that we've tried "some form of control." There are already many restrictions on ownership that haven't been proven (to my knowledge) to have had any meaningful effect on gun crime. In fact, it's pretty clear that localities with the strictest gun control also have the highest gun crime rate.