New York Times advocates gun confiscation

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by heeeeeeeeeres_BUCKEYE, Dec 5, 2015.

  1. @ekllaburg- No, they're not idiots because they have an opinion. Opinions are great. The ignorance of "just make your country like our country" is what makes them an idiot.
  2. @TNT....I fully appreciate what you have just said then but also take into consideration that just because gun control/gun restrictions haven't worked in some parts of the States doesn't mean that they dont work elsewhere in the world.
    A simple question for you law abiding gun owner of America... Is 364 mass shootings in less than a year acceptable and if not what as a country should you do about it?
  3. The problem with that as i see it is simple.

    It always has to be a made in America attitude n not learning from other other countries is a foreign idea. Pun untended. To date none has been found either.

    All this rhetoric resolves nothing but ignoring the plain facts is simply acting in denial. The guns n mass murders in America is nothing new n rooted deep in their history n cannot change overnight or in a few short years. What r solutions has been debated for ages n it will continue spinning its wheels til something actually gets done. Expect status quo to continue is my prediction.
  4. For those outside of the U.S., who always feel the need to interject their opinions without knowing the full truth. We already have federally mandated background checks for gun control.

    When you are convicted of a crime, even if non-violent, your guns get confiscated.

    The reason people react so strongly to topics regarding gun control here is because almost all the new laws are aimed at making gun ownership difficult, expensive (so only the poor can't afford it), or reducing legal ownership through attrition. Also, these new proposed gun control laws would not actually reduce violent crime.
  5. In regards to mental health, the mentally ill in this country just do not get the help and care that they need. Rather than spending money and carping on wanting more and more gun control laws, they should focus on making sure no one slips through the background checks (because they do) and addressing the fact that the mentally ill here end up in jails and emergency rooms more often than get actual help.
  6. Canada does :lol:
  8. @Ellaburg- I find it hypocritical that you mention Americans shoving Google found statistics down you throat, but you are doing exactly the same thing.

    364 mass shootings? No. That number is so far fetched it's not even funny. Would you consider a little gang fight in south central resulting in 4 gang members shot, and no deaths a "mass shooting", because that is the sort of events you'll find in the "mass shooting tracker" that so readily appears on Google.

    In reality, San Bernadino was the 4th of it's kind this year.

    364 and 4 are a big difference right?
  9. More lives are saved by guns... most mass shootings are done in gun free zones... hmm solution make u.s.a a mass gun free zone?... outcome- massive shooting sprees... -FAIL- Drunk drivers kill more in one day than illegally used guns ever have... what's our gov motive on gun control????????????
  10. Think about it for a sec, who do you think would most likely be a victim in a mass shooting, a group of unarmed law abiding citizens or a group of armed law abiding citizens??? My point is no law is going to help be proactive and go take the class and get your permit to carry... the more we have out there the safer everyone will be
  11. Everything lately that you're reading and seeing is aimed at destroying our Second Amendment. I dare the news to post the number of deaths every morning from drunk drivers from the night before or the number of deaths of malpractice etc.. everyone's eyes would open up and see that gun violence isn't really an issue compared.. STOP BEING SHEEP!!
  12. McDonald's kills more people than guns let's ban them
  13. Car accidents and deaths dropped significantly due to common sense regulations. And people still have cars. McDonalds and other fast foods are subject to common sense regulations, that prevent deaths. Perhaps its time to do the same with guns? Oh no, no, nothing like that would ever work. Idiots.
  14. Common sense regulations??? Lmao
  15. I agree common sense is lacking tho I'll repeat DON'T BE SHEEP!! use your common sense
  16. For example, requiring registration of all guns and owners so we can trace the guns sold illegally to criminals and make gun owners responsible, insurance for gun owners to promote safer gun behaviors (such as what worked incredibly well with the auto industry), and allow the CDC to study gun violence, so we have better scientific data on gun usage in the U.S.

    So, you want to offer anything constructive? Maybe some intelligent attempt at counter-arguments? Or are you content with just shooting your mouth off?

    Honestly though, I don't even know why I'm bothering. I've never heard a single decent, intelligent response.
  17. I think you made a good point king and I think the message is getting out there just this last Friday people purchased over 185 thousand guns that's enough to arm our Marine Corps purchased in just one day
  18. I wasnt just shooting my mouth off I agree, hunters safety and cwp classes aren't enough to educate on safety or to cure stupidity if anyone out there buys a gun cause they think it's just cool probably shouldn't own one yet..

    I was clearly arguing your statement cause even after what you said the numbers are still far greater than those of gun violence

    I bet if anyone lost someone because they weren't carrying that looked to them for protection like a daughter or son they would probably change there way of thinking and stop following the "guns are bad" crowd

    Guns can be a life saving tool
  19. Just shut up
  20. See, there's your issue. You can't trace illegally bought guns or prevent them from being purchased. It's always going to happen. When you disarm the law abiding populace, you're making the armed criminals ten times more dangerous.
    When you ask for guns to be turned in, the only ones who are going to do it are the legal gun owners, and the responsible gun owners. There's no way to get rid of them all.