I found it interesting, too. I would have assumed gun control on an island would have a more pronounced effect on violent crime than on a continent.
The issue is as I see it here is not about gun control outside of the US as some countries have at least tackled or attempted to tackle that head on , its what is the US going to do as a whole nation to stop these events from happening in the future .
That report was done 4 years after our buy back scheme was introduced...wonder what the figures are now 17 years later with an additional 5.5 million people
You can't. No one can stop terrorism. Terrorism is one of the oldest crimes in the world. Every country has it. It's just an ugly part of life. I'm not saying that we give up, but the facts tell us that we spend WAY more time and money on it than the likelihood of a person being killed by it.
The United States has the most sophisticated spy networks on the planet. Yet we still can only identify these acts after the fact. Because they're sporadic and random. The only way to stop it would be to implement pre-crime in which people are punished for intent BEFORE committing an act. Is that what we really want? And if so, what constitutes "intent?"
Statistics shamistics blah blah How about this statistic: Victims of violent crimes have proven to live LONGER if they are RETURNING FIRE! CASE CLOSED
Regardless, Mexican on white crime is lower than white on white crime, so unless you're afraid of Canadians smuggling guns into your country there's nothing gun control won't fix For example,gun laws in Canada have brought down the murder count to about 500 a year. Meanwhile in America it's 11000 (just with guns) So even if you shrink down the American population to the same as the Canadian population they would still have 3x the amount of murders and that's just American gun murders vs. all Canadian murders, whether it's a car or a knife or a pet moose.
I'd like to see that statistic I love how Republicans love to shrug off facts (including statistics) What about this statistic, you're twice as likely to turn that gun on yourself and commit suicide than use it on an intruder. Also your child is much more likely to accidentally shoot themselves or you (even if your gun cabinet is locked) than be killed by a terrorist
I am so glad you said this. "If it can even spare one life isn't it better to have tougher laws." Let's play devils advocate and turn the statement around. If the current guns laws can even spare one innocent life isn't it better to keep them as they are? The problem with your argument(s) is you really don't care about ending violence, which after all is the REAL issue. Instead you take the small road and attack in-adamant objects that can only be operated by a willing person. You forget about and ignore personal responsibility, instead you demonize what you don't understand, like, or respect. Your so called statistics that aren't supported by any real documentation are hot air and are only supported by your opinion. With all due respect, the education I received has made it clear that such blanketed statements and the so-called "statistics" you have provided are meaningless without proper citation and documentation. In a nutshell, if you're going to spew garbage, please let us know where all these so called facts and statistics are coming from. Otherwise, they are not recognized as fact but rather opinion. My apologies, but I do not recognize you as an authority of the topic, especially since it's so clear you can not offer any respect for the other sides point of view. Please consider possible outcomes of a so called database or a "gun owner list." Let's just pretend there is a list of gun owners. What guarantees can be provided that those lists won't be used in an neferous manner? Who decides who goes on those lists or not? Who decides when action needs to be taken against those listed? Of course I know, I'm just being paranoid. No government in the history of mankind has had, or used similar lists to commit illegal activities and/or crimes against humanity. I mean, it's not like the IRS in recent history wasn't accused of working off a list to target the opposition of a certain political party in the United States of America. My apologies, innocent until proven guilty! Who cares anyways, we don't like those evil selfish republicans, their civil liberties and rights mean nothing. For those on the outside looking in. If you are not a citizen of The United States of America, your opinion of our gun laws or any laws for that matter, are worthless. It can't be said anymore clear. Focus on your own issues, your utopia is far from perfect. Finally, what gives me the right to own guns in The United States of America? The US Constitution!
LOL what'd you do pull that out your ass? Suicide and home invasion have nothing to do with one another.