New World Order vs Aurora

Discussion in 'Wars' started by KillerNumber, Sep 19, 2014.

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  1. I posted part 1 of SS 1 bit after I post part 2 by accident, now north doesn't want to upload the first part. I'll ask him again :p
  2. sooo uh? get on ur dads phone.. simple as that
  3. @dbad1, that was after he made up the lie to Hera, I would post the SS but I no longer have convo with Hera
  4. My dad and I are in an arguement, good to not ask my dad for stuff when he's mad D:
  5. gaiiiiiseeee... stop bickering and fight each other  *continues to eat popcorn*
  6. Ohhhh? So, you have no argument structure of why my statement was arguably "Fallacious"? Yet I'm the one with the impaired understanding of the English language?

    I'm sorry? Want me to speak with big words? If you think I'm grammatically incorrect, you should see Killernumber 

    Besides, I don't need to speak (metaphor) with a substantial amount of "high level English" in your books.
  7. Yea or else you're daddy grounds u from KaW. And we don't That cause it would be a major loss to the KaW community you must teach the future eb fairies how to fairy
  8. Can't lie I do type like **** in pm 
  9. Yo killer explain dem SS's please.
  10. God I want to say a few things so badly but I can't put them in respectful was :/
  11. I'd be glad too North,

    "Do what I say or I reset Allie" do not return to NWO. After he had insulted me and fled the OSW
  12. There's no use in arguing with these guys Hera, they are ignorant! They can make up lies such as, having us pinned "25/8" <words of a dumbass! I honestly do not care that I'm posting with no stats! Killer you and goofy have typed enough non sense for one day! Y'all are just using this OSW in forums to attract more idiots to your clan! Y'all have a reputation for bullying smaller players! I agree with others how about you tap that battle button more then your damn key board y'all claim to have us pinned but I think y'all are prolly thinking of other people!
  13. Hey!! havent i typed nonsense too? or do you enjoy you clanniess getting butthurt... atta be dbad or whatever your name is, nice job stripping someone while they are ON a thread you are also on... what a champ...
  14. Both clans suck. Now fight it out. No one cares to know a reason why it started.
  15. You guys know who me, and my boys support.
  16. soo uh zeth... u supporting the thread or both clans or...? conan why you in a bad mood... cant us noobs fight it out over here and chirp whole hitting?
  17. One clan.
  18. I'm in a pretty good mood actually. I just didn't see a need to explain why or how an OSW started. Just smack each other silly.

    I do see an old buddy Dbad is in aurora. So I'm sure New Worn ovaries don't stand a chance against them
  19. New worn ovaries... I've never seen that before :lol:
  20. Just checked ops clan. Your roster ******* sucks. All of you together couldn't even pin 1 account of mine
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