New World Order vs Aurora

Discussion in 'Wars' started by KillerNumber, Sep 19, 2014.

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  1. @Hera
    You don't even have the defender badge :lol:

    So shut the **** up about badges!
  2. Honcho you wouldn't get it either as a PS
  3. NWO has some pretty cool players. after osw im sure we will be friends.
  4. I hope so too!
  5. Hey Honcho! Who're you going to beg for help next? Cella? Wongy? Redstar? 
  6. Do you not believe me when I say my KaW age? 
  7. yeh honcho shut ur mouth. im about to get the next steal achievement on you once ur eyes close.
  8. Hera that's a bypass and what you wrote for who are doesn't make sense 
  9. Hera who are you gunna hit next? Apherium or Calydor?
  10. I see you've already taken Apherium, nice actions NWO . Conley, "who're" is an authentic English word 
  11. Please spell my name right.
  12. even tho you guys just hit HTE... honcho go do something... how about you try meego village?
  13. In aurora cc three members have stated in the past twenty four hours they are bringing help. Including one of you guys currently talking here

    In nwO cc. We discuss who you've said you're asking for help. We laugh. And we argue about who gets to reject applicants

    Who's asking for help?
  14. Sky, maybe you haven't seen all those SS's from Honcho..... Oh and KN, understandable.

    Whatever helps you sleep at night, C0ML3Y 
  15.  I'm watching people eat ghost peppers... why do they do this stuff?! 
  16. I would ask for screen shot but ur obviously a pretty good liar so you can probably easily photoshop. N if you that good of a spy instead of watching our CC for irrelevant things how bout you watch when you strip your members. Its a strip going on now.
  17. Thanks Hera, that means a lot. ️
  18. First. Lying has nothing to do with photoshop
    Second. I can't post pictures to forums. I've made clear many times in the past. I'm sure I could find some way to do it. But the simple methods like photobucket won't work for me. So I don't. Let alone having the ability to photoshop. Which I don't. And since you replied, you being the one I refered to, are you going to deny that within the past hour you said in cc your friends at a clan I'll leave nameless were considering jumping us for you
  19. I've always wanted to learn how to use photoshop.
  20. I said "I can end this very quickly i got many friends who want to jump in now" maybe ill get em on forums so they can say their names? will that help u? If they come on forums they will just join my clan too since their names are out there?
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