If you feel that is what is needed, I can't stop you. However, I feel that a strip, especially one upwards of 1 trillion gold is rather unnecessary in such a small OSW, plus it's a waste if resources. This is just my opinion.
Pippinkid when you move allies do it so that they aren't followed. Think I will start with those accounts first. I Don't Play Fair
Obviously, my challenge was not accepted. What a shame, NWO you have disgraced yourself yet again. I have been offline since 12:17 a.m last night. It is currently 5:12 p.m. There's no excuse for that. I publicly challenged you to strip me, and after over 12 hours of inactivity, here I am, with my one ally untouched. You easily would've known I wasn't online by simply asking if I was hitting anyone. I don't turtle. I don't hide. I always hit one kf you when I'm on. As I said before, no excuses. As far as I'm concerned, this isn't an OSW anymore, merely a clan farm because we're all a little bored of EBs.
@Monster, No offense, but one reason NWO (or at least me personally) did not choose to "strip" you is plainly, you are not worth it. It's a waste of resources. That gold could be used for pots or other items. I myself rely on pure force when it comes to OSW, not this stripping stuff. One can prove to be a true warrior even without "stripping" their opponent.
So you allowed yourself to be challenged, where everyone could see, and not follow through? You said I could've been lying about my TZ. That's reasonable, someone with intellect over there. Isn't it worth checking out though? All you had to do was Google "EST Time" and the exact time I gave you would've came up.
I will make this point yet again. 90% (obvioud exaggeration, but the point is there) of the people in this OSW are extremely similar in size. No excuse. Besides, don't you want to shut me up? Make me give you props. Make me look stupid. Prove me wrong. Make a point. Do something
Why? Can't do it? Every war clan likes to shut a talker up. Especially if that talker is in your newsfeeds as well.