New We are Rogue Banter thread.

Discussion in 'Other KaW Discussion' started by Semzz, Feb 28, 2017.

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  1. actually the personal attacks were started when claiming that i am irrelivant. Everybody is relivant in the circle of life ,except evil people. Saying people are irrelivent shows how insecure you are in your own self worth.And you try to gain it back by using a account to replace how irrelivant you actually feel. And how immature you are that the only thing you can insult me with is to get hooked on phonics.That is a real life insult not game related .So , what you give out - expect back or grow up and show some class.But it looks like invictus men are lacking in that department.
  2. Ohh. Let's get real. You tried to derail another thread that was about exploring what a good mentor would be. You incorrectly labeled it a recruitment threat and then had rogue start a new one. It was obvious yours was headed in a totally wrong direction. The banter kept going though until it got really personal in the attacks. So it got locked.

    Now back to your topic. I think your logic is faulty and your clan is full unicorns and fairies. :)
  3. That thread wasn't even banter, it was an incurable plague.

    Drgn did you all a favor.
  4. See Roni, now everyone can see how your mind works. I never called you irrelevant, puns did. And when your playing a game and someone calls you irrelevant, you should automatically assume they mean in that game, not in real life. All that being said we were talking about the exchange between you and lady ash so this has no relevance to that. See how fun English can be when you understand what your reading and typing?

    Try hooked on phonics girl. It'll blow your mind once your eyes are opened.
  5. Only thing I can agree with you on saysuckee is that forums would be better if they gave you a vacation. A permanent IP based one would see all Kaw rejoice. ;)
  6. Puns did and LadyAsh did and rogue did.Which you admited that rogue is your account.And you are in osw why you recruiting surely that is open invitation for moles.
  7. Do drop the lectures . i am from u.k born in London my only language is English. And kaw is a war game not a english lesson.So drop your condescending lectures m
  8. See, it's this post that baits people.

    This is what's wrong with KaW.

    Seeing as you know my past username, shows you are from my past.

    Shame I don't even know who you are.

    Oh well.

    If anyone is getting banned it's yourself for baiting people into arguing in your hate thread.

    Ofc, these idiots are too dumb to see what you're doing.

    ...Some more than others huhuhu
  9. Please post ss of me claiming to be rogue Roni, I claimed I'm a rogue, that man changed his name to rogue because he was so proud of us.

    And whether or not we want to recruit (which I could care less) shouldn't be of any issue to you. Plenty of people recruit moles so they can spread missinfo. They might even realize they like it there better. ;)
  10. The fact that you say huhuhu speaks against the fact of knowing who I am or not, and just because I know your past username doesn't mean that I ever liked you .
  11. Feeding the trolls boizzzz

    Huh? Me knows who you are or not and me saying huhuhu are connected?

    Buddy, I don't really care who you are.

    Huhuhu is a funny way of typing laughter.

    You're losing it, amigo.

    When did I ever say that you knowing my last username means that you've ever liked me?

    Dude, you are talking gibberish.

    Again, a sad attempt at bumping this drivel.
  12. Feel free to tell me what you really think of me ;)
  13. I think you're trying to troll and succeeding but now I'm killing the thread by spitting truths and now you're at a loss for words and have stopped baiting.
  14. ^Yup a loss of words that's why he keeps replying 
  15. No dum dum, I'm trying to have some fun bantering people, you are the known troll attempting to kill the thread because that's what you get enjoyment out of. I'm not hating, just not participating either . ;)
  16. You are baiting people by continuing the argument, I legit have a quote of you trying to trick me.

    You aren't fooling anyone anymore.
  17. The quote of when you teed off on me and I responded with a joke being feel free to tell me how you really feel? Pretty sure the thread name and op are pretty clear cut and to the point. No tomfoolery here. ;)
  18. You can't push it off as tomfoolery

    Is joking calling a mod biased, on the first page?

    Is that tomfoolery?

    You make absolutely no sense.

    Someone read through his post history and you'll see how he continues to escalate this trash.

  19. No support
  20. Is this where we get the Castlecode?
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