New We are Rogue Banter thread.

Discussion in 'Other KaW Discussion' started by Semzz, Feb 28, 2017.

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  1. Yes, you do, thanks for agreeing with me.
  2. just slither back to wench you came ajust before i make you look more stupid .
  3. Make me look stupid, go ahead, give me a turn for once because you've been continuing your turn for years now
  4. So , if i am alone , and im very scared and left people behind ? Where are the di tags in devils? Hmmmmmmmmmm, :))seems like di has most OG DI MEMBERS..BUT ...thank for the mention ...u know peeps forget about me an all...congrats roni on having an actual facts this time...
  5. Awe of little puma bud how cute of u to make a post about me since u only send sb fails every week or so then go scurrying away like the lil noob u are. To the running to a hte clan to quote blow some cash to tower up, lmfao u never won without my towers. Oh and before I forget there little puma ask anyone here I've had towers for almost a year lmfao. I would love to play with u but ants are not worth my dear ol time, but hey grow some like u have scrambled to do and just one day u may get a tear from me, but till then I'll enjoy the cute little post u make instead of sending 100s of sct fails and assn fails oh I almost forgot u fail atks now also. Hmm maybe that's y u'r still on my nuts like a fat kid with cake.

    On another note please remind me how many fairys from apoc and kotfe that's sitting in hte clans again???? I'll give u a few days to write em all down lmfao
  6. LOLOLOLOL. Your atk stats were a payday to me. Love your ability to talk nonsense. Go back to your little world where you keep pretending you matter. ;) a midget got the better of you.
  7. Lmfao puma trying again lmfao it's amazing hahaha. It's funnier to just ignore u since u are quite obsolete to anyone unless they need some wins on there stats hahahahahahaha.

    So with all said I'm not gonna waste some typing when I could be smacking u'r  sqaud mates or maybe kotfe hmmm decisions decisions.... Maybe u will hit aswell as be a keyboard warrior. Oh I'm still waiting to be pinned all the time like u stated what few months back 
  8. Remember the time you had a friend fail hire hit me cause you never return hits. And that friend got banned from the hte clan he was in. Actually that stunt got All DKOD banned from that clan. I loved seeing you cry around all that. Get back to pretending you actually hit anyone. And have a nice day. ;)

    (A puma by the way is actually a pretty bad ass cat. So TY for the compliment)
  9. Mr. Ronald, please tell us more about your imaginary OSW tales. :lol:
  10. Is that right lil puma....if he is so banned y was my accts still there And odd was back there also hmmmm. Your intelligence and information is astonishing but it's ok we all know where it came from so can't expect much now can we?
  11. All talk potty. If you want to spend your time in the basement with you and all your alts go ahead. Still a noob ;).
  12. [​IMG] Venom the chicken.

  13. Say's Ronald who types out huge paragraphs about his fake OSW history. :lol:

    A quick look into Ronald behind the screen. He likes to call himself "Roni" and troll the forums for some attention while making fake OSW stories up.

    Show up in my NF bro or sit down.
  14. venom aka knight the war chicken went dtw as soon as i am on 80% army so i hit him with fb steals. He hasnt returned any hits back but he is still dtw even now that i am 90% army. Keep hitting the eb war chicken venom . And i have spoke in lots of group calls with lots of kaw members. You look really stupid saying that i am a man.
  15. Ronald at his finest with the fairy stales.
    Where is this imaginary inc? I don't see any :lol: Let me know when you find the attack button kay?

    We all know you sound like a sheep in your VMs dude. Thanks for the laughs Ronald ;)

    PS: Next Ronald will post a picture of my EB logs or post a SS of my profile and then will attempt to make a few more fairy tales. ;)
  16. roni at least opt in and make your account useful!
  17. Congratulations, Ronald!
    You can read. (I had my doubts)
    What next? Maybe post an SS of my EB? :lol:
  18. venom dont hit back at all he is still dtw.
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