New Warclan

Discussion in 'Wars' started by Rulerz-KRAYZEE_K1NG-Rulerz, Sep 29, 2012.

  1. I hope I'll never see you in my news feed.

    You guys got nice stated members just check if they are dedicated enough to be potless and stripped.
  2. Is anyone else by the fact that the OP is in a clan that has never been in a system war?
  3. I would like to make it clear that the clan I was in was not the clan that I have created/rebuilding, I will be making a new one that is gonna be the warclan
  4. Ok. Good luck. Seriously, you've picked a tough road.
  5. Razz - _Z_ is a sub clan last time I checked. Subclans normaly don't take part in system wars or haven't been around long enough to have taken part in a Pwar.
  6. Just because a clan hasn't been in a system war doesn't mean they aren't a war clan.
  7. I personally wouldn't join his clan because when I opened him up with a few 100b out he got superbutthurt and blocked me. Never returned fire. This seriously was one of the most nOobish people I have met on KAW and I'm not just here trying to flame someone.

    And lala pots are dependent on what u have to protect. If u have no gold u don't really need pots. If u have trillions to protect then pots are vital
  8. Mickey, I've know him for a while now and fought by him a bit in Ad Mortem. He didn't seem like the typical noobish raging type, but then again, I haven't been on the other side of the war yet lol
  9. No lol we were friends. I'm not gonna blatantly come out with it but he was what u would call a "beggar". That's putting it nicely. And super annoying w/the gimme gimme. So I waited til he said good night and then went to town lol
  10. Lmao :lol: You're such a great friend 

    Note to self: Don't tell mickey goodnight.
  11. Lol Mickey I know but being ps, people on here don't suspect that u have gold out. I just let them take a little nibble then I take it all back with interest. It keeps me from gettin bored more often than I usually am.

    P.S. Good night Mickey 