new war type idea

Discussion in 'Wars' started by Harvesters, Jun 15, 2013.

  1. [This is only troop build war.If any hansel was a part of it they would be the first gone ,hansel 1-6 troop buildings thats not even close to defending against a attack build.This war is very long and tiring not everyone has seven hours to war people can barely do two.Now 100 people please thats near impossible when most clans can not get up to fight in ee which is only two hours.NO SUPPORTquote="Harvesters"]The new war type would be regeneration battles.

    Details: This war would be 7 hours long and up to 100 players on each side can participate. Anyone can hit anyone. You cannot crystal during this war. The side with the most gold wins. Mith and gold rewards will be awarded to the winning clan.

    How it works: each side, 1 hour before the war starts will have the option of attacking and questing taken away from them. This feature will be returned when the war starts. This ensures all players start with a full set of troops. Right when the war starts each side will attack each other with their full set of troops. Once the war starts you cannot regenerate troops at all. You will be given a full 2 bars instantly when you the hours in the war of 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, and 7 come on the clock. When you hit 0 troops YOU ARE NOT DTW NO OTHER PLAYERS STILL WITH TROOPS (this makes sense when you think about it becuase this war is all about keeping your troops during the one hour periods between full regens and when you lose all of your troops it is to the players who still have troops advantage.).

    You may have noticed i skipped the hour 6 on my regeneration hour list (and hour 7 doesn't matter it just means when the war ends it automatically gives you full troops.). This is because the losing team on hour 6 does not get their regeneration and the winning team does. And REMEBER there is no DTW so this is chance for the winning team to seal the deal if they play it right, but if the losing team on hour 6 is smart they would have tried to keep troops from the regeneration on hour five. This is the part of the war of where it gets its name. You fight hard to get the hour 6 regeneration and fight harder if you don't get it.

    If there is anything I missed or any suggestions please tell me I want this to be as flawless ad possible.[/quote]
  2. 7 hours? What about 12 hour system wars sora? People do those... And this war is meant to balance out totally different builds. Every one keeps mentioning hansels, this war is meant to make gold making builds... Less powerful.
  3. Small people get killed in any war...
  4. Yes and the 12 24 48 hours are now obsolete
  5. Why do you co plain about long and tiring? Stop by every hour to waste troops if you want to. And it's only 7 hours... There could be shorter versions if needed and btw I know people who don't sleep for wars so tiring isnt a problem.
  6. Don't bump. No support.
  7. There's a reason it was dieing bc no one supports this.
  8. Devin why not? It's a great idea for an intense war that could go either way.
  9. To many ways to find holes and I don't know many people who can Kaw for 7 hours
  10. Now days the only threads people discuss and look at are threads about potatoes and jokes
  11. Devin, I forgot to include but you can do different times, such as 5 hours and 3 hours
  12. The biggest issue here is that it will NEVER happen EVER. No xtals is the exact opposite of what the devs want. Quite frankly even if you thought they would do it to be nice, clearly no one likes your idea.
  13. If this did happen, even though no one seems to like the idea i guarantee tons of people would participate.
  14. @Harvesters, Just do a system war and get gold.
  15. I like the idea
  16. Thanks african I love the support!
  17. Afican is a low stat noob,this will never happen sorry man
  18. I know it seems as if if anyone ever has an idea the forumers who think its funny to criticise others drag it down. And the funny part is then the same people complain about why kaw isn't fun anymore.