New war system individual sign out

Discussion in 'Wars' started by thebossmancometh, Nov 1, 2012.

  1. dear god.

    because an active player will come along and zero you out and take your "free" plunder because you wasted your troops on someone that was not in the fight instead of taking down the actual threat.
  2. Oh well then in that case I'll just have 99 alts in a clan who aren't active so I can win all on my own
  3. bit of a stretch there.

    if the enemy has enough actives to zero out all of your actives, then the previous no longer applies.

    but if the enemy has that many actives relative to you, then you won't win anyway.

    whether you have inactives or not.
  4. If if if this is off the topic
  5. no it isn't.

    i am trying to explain why this thread is pointless.
  6. It has a point just not one you agree with
  7. Mother of God.

    If you want to stay in the clan, stay in the ******* clan.
    If you want to leave the clan, leave the ******* clan.
  8. no it doesn't. there is no need for an individual sign out.

    i have gone to great lengths to explain why.

    you are just being stubborn.

    add what a_z just said to my list of why this thread is pointless.
  9. The POINT is in MY opinion ppl should be able too stay in their clan and not be auto joined into a war they can't do for whatever reason if they chose too opt out of that war if THEY should have that option
  10. MY point is that in MY opinion, you are an idiot.
  11. What's the difference between a regular active member joining and a not so regular member joining? Nothing.
  12. I'll reserve an opinion on that theory until I see how much plunder is made on an inactive player and if its enough to win a war
  13. A decent idea, but maybe needs more to it. You should either use feedback or email the developers.

    That's the idea of these test runs. To see what works and what doesn't. Nothing is more infuriating in system wars than leaks.
  14. leaks?!?! LEAKS!?!?

    oh i give up.

    take some time to understand the new war system before you comment. at least read the description.
  15. It's true that the new war system promotes warring and inactive player will provide fresh meat. If a player voted to go to war, he or she should be expected to fulfill his or her end of the bargain and stay active (for Christ's sake). However, don't forget that allies are still being traded. For the higher ranked players, money is exchanged pretty regularly even when war is ongoing. So if you don't fancy losing billions due in an ongoing sys war, because of pressing RL issues, you will have to leave the clan. It is ok in the current system and we simply leave the clan before war start if we can't be active. With the new system, it presents a moral dilemma because you may mess up the estoc edge bonus for the clan.

    Bottom line, I support an opt-out option prior to war declaration to take one out of the roster while staying in the clan. To prevent this from being abused, dev could set a minimum participation level like summer wars eg if <50 actives, auto ff.
  16. Inactive will definitely affects the clan performance. If there is enough inactives in enemy camp, I will definitely go defensive and self knockout on them. Self knockout will lose a smaller percentage of plunder plus will not add bonus to opponent. Best it gives me 15 mins of invulnerable.
  17. Dude, admins are the ones who vote. It's been fixed.
  18. Support the idea!
    With auto-join feature, each and every word makes sense.
    Since the matching will happen before a day or 2, I think the opting out of coming war should be allowed before 3-4 days of weekend/war.
  19. Before T5 came out it was a normal day for someone like me too have 2T in allies value pass through my hands. And also common too wake up in the morning or get home from work too find over a trill in gold out. Not many 'bigger' and more experienced players in any clan will want to be auto joined too a war they can't be involved with for rl issues. How nice would it be for the clan for the owner and a few of the bigger more experienced players have too leave for the war because it's over night in their time zone. I can't think of many people who'll stay in the clan knowing there's a fair chance they're going too lose a couple of trill
  20. The auto join is for evidence to suggest it will be implemented into the live mode...don't let pessimism engulf your mind just be positive that the bata will turn out good and lets give realistic feedback...this game needed a new war system and now we have one...and that in itself is something to be thankful for : )