New war system individual sign out

Discussion in 'Wars' started by thebossmancometh, Nov 1, 2012.

  1. I don't think all of the wars will start at the same time every time. How does it make clans have to be filled with members of similar timezones?
  2. They won't all start at the same time but that's my point. What's good for one isn't good for all. If your clan is all east coast USA you'd only war at a time that suits you not at a time for central Europe
  3. :roll:
  4. Say you competed in 6 wars but can't do the 7 , should you lose all your bonus?
  5. That's my point val
  6. seriously. i...i just can't take this.

    being inactive won't hurt your clan. it won't. being overly aggressive will be more likely to hurt your clan.

    there is no reason for people to leave.
  7. We all have work/school/family and can't be on our phones kawing 24/7 much as many of us would like too. It's not on too be punished if rl gets in the way for ONE war
  8. 'to' and 'too''s not that hard
  9. If you leave your clan, yes you do. If you sit inactivly in your clan, you won't.
  10. That's how I understand what your saying. I don't think ppl who don't war should reap the benefit of clan bonus simply because they are a member but leave for the wars. However the warriors who war all the time might have to miss one. They would lose all their effort .
  11. yeah. i'm sick. i don't care if i am missing an o.'

    that wasn't even directed at me...i need to go lie down.
  12. You won't get punished if you leave. You just won't get rewarded.
  13. Of course you'd be punished if you leave if you've warred hard in the other wars but have too miss a later one. All that effort will be taken from you
  14. I understood it as losing all bonus
  15. Ok, so don't leave. :roll:
  16. Remember I'm trying too say this is for regular active members only. Ppl who don't contribute should be auto active'd and pounded
  17. Don't know yet if its a bad thing to stay 
  18. don't have to leave if you can't fight in the war. won't hurt your clan if you stay.

    ...people hitting inactives will not get a big bonus for zeroing you out.

    ...clans that target inactives will almost certainly lose to smarter clans.
  19. say there are two of me in a clan. 1 active, one not. same exact stats.

    i will be hitting down to 75% of my troops. the inactive won't be.

    this makes the active player a better target for THREE reasons.

    1-easier target
    2-you are stopping me from gaining plunder
    3-you will get a portion of my plunder if you knock me to zero, further decreasing my contribution.
  20. How exactly did you come too that conclusion? How can it not hurt your clans chances if your on the war roster and not participating and are just an open farm