Discussion in 'Wars' started by admin, Oct 12, 2013.

  1. More i look at it Dont change the schedule, it is crap, if u go this way us aussies will have to stay with EB's or reset.
  2. Sorry guys, you just killed the rest of the season for majority of UK/Europe players. The earlier start times coupled with winter clock change soon, have made it virtually impossible for ppl with families to war during week. Plus how many ppl working can war 12pm gmt mid week ( #3-#7 ). Removing 1 hour wars from weekend will have an adverse effect on ppl with families. Starting a war at 7pm gmt on Saturday is ridiculous. Why did you not adopt times from Season 1. They were much better, looks like I and a lot of UK/Europe will be missing out on warring again. Thanks for nothing devs, but nice try.
  3. Plz i want more wars at 12pm GMT. My schools starting frm tmrw so i cant so wars at 2am GMT. 1 war at 2pm GMT would also be nice.
  4. I like the new schedule, thanks devs
  5. Sorry for my earlier post. I just checked the timings again. They're good. Thnkx devs
  6. If I'd have known you were going to constantly screw around trying to please different people each week, I wouldn't have bothered starting thhis game. Did you or did you not do test wars? Did they work? Was everyone happy with match ups & war times. NO! But you start the season & then move the fvcking goal posts halfway through. This shlt makes me sick!
  7. New times look good to me. Only change I would think about would be changing war 14 to 1hr as it is Sunday night for Asia/Pacific
  8. And I have spent my hard earned, real money on xtals to last me the season. Now wars don't suit any UK players that work normal hours & value spending timewith their kids around bedtime. Not only that, the final war of the week(suddenly a 2hr war) finishes at 1am-1.30am instead of a more manageable midnight.
    I really would like to trade my xtals back as they're now less than useless. You are never going to please everyone, but you've definitely worked out how to really annoy almost everyone.
  9. all 12pm gmt times for Europe sux, there is one point which devs forgot ... all ppl who were happy about old times didn't post feedback ...
    happy ppl usual don't send feedback - that's one of old market rules

    and now we got terrible times which were relative good before change; 12pm gmt is 1am for me and before change start 1h earlier; we want it 2h earlier not 1 hour after
  10. Forever friends, this is a forum. Please tell us all where to post our complaints so they Dont distress you. (quick KAW it looks like a happy customer, see what changes you can make to ruin their experience)
  11. Good changes for me at gmt 2 :) went from 4 doable wars til 8 :) perfect thx Kaw_admin
  12. btw war 14 and 15 are glitch, when one war end will end signup for second ... this will be chaos wars should have bigger time distance between;

    and all 12pm gmt wars should start at 10pm gmt = this time is for Europe evening; nobody from other war zones will fight when is morning during week days
  13. Oh goodness...I didn't have a life before and now you give me even more wars to do

    I love it...️
  14. There is 6 hours from end of war 14 to end of signup for war 15
  15. Nice times devs ty u finally thot of gmt lolz
  16. Dear Kaw_Admin,

    You have to change war #12 & #15 GMT time ..

    Here are details:

    War #11 Saturday 12 pm GMT
    War #12 Saturday 7 pm GMT


    Next is :

    War #14 Sunday 12 pm GMT
    War #15 Sunday 10 pm GMT

    Ooh wow .. War #12 will be before war #11
    & #15 before #14 .. How awesome is that ..

    Thank you for updating this asap.

    Hmmmm I am @ +4 GMT ..
    So maybe I can do 8 wars out of 15 .

    But yeah anyway thank you Deva for changing the schedule .. Appreciate that ..

  17. Ty Dev.
    We asian got 5 war per week. Without staying up for late mid night war.
  18. I don't see all the complaining, they added wars, making it easier for all time zones to work, people are just being selfish because RL reasons are causing them to not get more than 5 wars a week
  19. yeah @kaw_admin you messed up a little the AM/PM but I guess it will be all ok before week 6 starts... but I can have a few suggestions:

    1. related to AM/PM.. in order not to be any issues.. make the schedule 24h => 12PM is 00:00, 1PM is 13:00 and so on.. like so you will have no more problems

    2. you should mix up a little wars that are at the same hour but different days (only a personal opinion).. example: war 1 and war 5... both wars start at 7PM GMT... so it will result EU people will probably join both of them... but why did you make them both 1h wars random KO 7-12 minutes? I suggest mixing them up a little bit... (and I don't mean the schedule) but the TYPE of war :)... for example you could change duration/type between war 4 and war 5...

    anyway thanks for the new times.. keep up the good work
