The difference is that sale coincided with a 50% hte bonus and unlimited xtal usage, plus the chest was complemented with the allowable usage of gold crux chests. New players make next to nothing off ebs, and struggle to obtain max plunder... Therefore a 2-week double plunder spell isn't worth much to them. 1b for an ally would have been a nice bonus. I like this update, just not the price tag associated.
Sadly I don't remember the names of the generous people that fed me with hte pots when I was new.. I remember their tags were ROTUW .. Cool people️
All this crying over noobie promo, whats the babies gonna do? :twisted: just reset and enjoy RL or start a new account, geeze.
Just pitching an idea out there. If we were to get more that 1000 shares with this FaceBook post by the day posted. How about giving players Merry Mischief banners?
Devs are listening! Almost Almost listening I mean like dont make a promo on it geez we need a permanent fix to our new player problem With barely any low cost allies and not enough fake accounts being made to just serve as allies Id suggest that having the spell last 2 weeks works And also 10 xstals is fine for the promo but if it were to be a perm add on id say cut it down to five ANd i dont supprort the complete unlock for ll It ruins the excitement of working for the lands Just some things to think about
Man, so people complain about how new players struggle so much, so the devs put out something to help promote new players. And now people complain about that? I don't get it who cares if we struggled to get LLC. Most of you at least had ebs to hit. I had quests, active players and inactive players. Stop your crying.
I joined just over a week ago and hadn't got all my lowlands so I reset to get the package but it doesn't work!! How do I start a brand new account on iOS?
No Support. I'd be more inclined to invite my friends to play this game if I was given something for it instead of just them. Just throw this game in the furnace along with GaW and FC if you're hurting for cash and start all over.
so the last two events that handed everyone a free gift every 24 hours was not a token of appreciation? and what was the highest combined stats a player could have when you started playing? was it 30+ mill? did guild hansels not pay great gold? was there not the most insane bonus stacked on top of bonus, on top of bonus ect.. give a ways recently? were there an abundance of allies under 500bill in the market? were there accounts my size making 70 mill a hit on free to play ebs? build tokens? just curious cause 10 crystal and a 7 day plunder bonus is totally better than any of that.
You have to disconnect your current device. Click settings (main screen, top left), account, scroll to the bottom, and click the disconnect button next to your current account. You can make a new account from there