I am around 3300 Overall LB, and I am NOT HFBC, 97 percent done though. Keep in mind allies (BFA) factor into LB position as well. So we can't simply look for HFBC LB ranks. As Steph said: she is closer to 4000 and IS HFBC.
Account that haven't reached lllc can hit hte and if it's the correct build they make more than enough to cover the cost of pots I have an alt that makes 30mill min per hit
Why let them have HTE's? They already got their freebie, why not make them earn HTEs like everyone else? The moocher class of KaW is killing the game.
Just saying devs your package only lasted a day...once I got 1day achieve and bought packs name ungrayed,took spell,and locked all lands back up ๎๎ noob fail found don't buy pp if you are new till newbie and 7 day is up
What are the chances that these new kingdoms find allies to hire? They are all getting volley over 20 bil each, they can't even hire each other. I doubt it's the right fix to attract and retain new players.
Are people really crying over 11b package? Lol. Get over yourselves. It's too help new players catch up a little faster. Wasn't everyone complaining a little while ago about how hard it was for new players to do anything. Well here it is.... What the hell are you crying for?
Some ppl r petty n others only know how to cry. Some r ambidextrous n say good n bad. Others yet lurk forums n laugh.
Also the difference between a new player now and a build complete account is incredibly more vast then when alot of other kawers started. People, the starter pack is about the comparison of a new stat account vs a finished build stats. Not how long a section of lands took you to complete. many here that are upset only had low lands and high lands when they started. Not 3 going on the 4th set. curious to know, did that gaw badge come with a little starter gold?
Do you complainers seriously expect anything other than moronic changes by the devs? It's kind of their MO.
Think of all the new players. There won't be enough gold to volley all of them. Think that 19/20 of the new players will go inactive right away within a week.