New update - Q and A *UPDATED*

Discussion in 'Strategy' started by CanadianGal, Mar 2, 2012.

  1. Will new ebs or equipment come out soon
  2. Too bad. Androids been able to see ally ammount for 3 months. Lol are they going to make an achievement for buying these slots ?
  3. soon to the the devs is 6 months
  4. Now if only I could get a laugh track to be triggered any time I view my bfa/invested gold my KAW experience would be complete!
  5. What happened to the promised new EPIC BATTLES!!!!!! I CAN'T FIND THEM
  6. As far as I know those are still coming "soon." Note that the devs definition of the word "soon" seems to be highly variable...
  7. Rabidus, computer accounts have had all these new features for ever 
  8. I just went and got level5 commander, but I still don't have the option to buy more slots (not that I want to at this moment...but I'd like to have the option open) I am on android (HTC Evo 3d) and I do have the latest update from the android market... Can anyone help me?
  9. It's not available for droids yet, and
    Strategy: We stil had it before IDevice :)
  10. Images added
  11. Wow you have a lot of nobs
  12. What is BFA?
  13. Bonus from allies^
  14. Thank you rabidus.
  15. 977 nobility?
  16. @Slayer

    Now when someone hides their allies in a midst of say, 500 1b allies good luck sifting through that.
  17. This is also a reason for the update.
  18. How the hell am I gonna get 250 allies?! I only have 3 :shocked: