New Thread: --Kali--

Discussion in 'Wars' started by Valkyl_More_MaCHiNE, Jan 6, 2015.

  1. I saw the name laelyr on Kali's wall. Were those names a list of farm targets?
    The answer is important, as it decides my next move.
    Edit: I noticed the names are gone now, but they were there yesterday before my WiFi cut out.
  2. @Castiel -- She was on a list of someone's allies
  3. I'm sure someone has a ss of the names
  4. I missed it

    Please show names
  5. :lol: great thread
  6. Was a list of a certain persons allies
  7. Kali types like roni. Pretty sad...

  8. Can u be more vague pls
  9. Ummm type in laelyr, mr sarcastic
  10. Surely someone cant be that thick??
  11. Lighten up...touchy r we? 
    I did have a mild interest in this thread with Kali n her carryings on but I'll go back to neutrality n lurk this thread again GL
  12. That makes no sense. Or is that you trying to divert yourself?
  13. You are and you will be Vaseline, not rubber, if this is too big for you and you can not sleep at night . Surrender you know what my condition are, if all bets are paid 1-7 , you do badly.
  14. I keep reading this, it's brilliant 
  15. *Yawn*

    --Kali--, what are you trying to say? Maybe I'm just the only one, but I can't understand a word your saying.

    Try opening your mouth a little wider, and speaking slower.

    Or take whatever it is in your mouth out that's garbling your speech.
  17. - I farmed sitted during days burger97, galitor and other osf not active from yours clans.

    So --kali-- you're farming Galitor who is under going intense treatment for brain cancer  bravo I salute your courage.
  18. .

    I had no idea about Galitors, I am so sorry about that, I am sorry because I had 4 cancers 2 kidney and 2 at my lungs.


    I am under quemiotherapy, radiotherapy daily since 3 yrs ago. Dont say "Bravo" to a person who dont have that information and dont salute my courage. Unfortunatelly Kaw is full of brothers in the same situation, those are really a fighters, the good ones.

    I want a fast and good recovery for gal, he will be on my prays.
    Next time use the pm, Dont say public.
    I will still fighting againts Clan A, Warlor, Hellhounts and Chaotic Pride because they strip me and I am pretty fine to fight only to those clans.