@Black-Dragon. The ACA isn't even liked by a lot of the left. They pushed trough a bill no one liked. Most democrats would prefer a single payer program. Democrats lost elections in 2014 because of the ACA. But hey, this guy on KaW knows best. Even though no one uses that particular type of health care system anywhere. On top of all that. We have 2 socialist in mainstream politics. Bernie Sanders and Liz Warren. I don't think it's gonna happen this decade with the old socalism. Maybe getting a party established first would help. Don't count on democrats to be that. Liz and Bernie are a far cry from Hillary Clinton, but I'm more interested in the Trans Pacific Parntership right now. Obama is having a hard time within his own party. I think Harry Reid is about to exhaust his last bit of energy working against the TPP. With many democrats speaking out against it. Old one eye Harry Reid. He got beat up by his brother. His brother is a Redskins fan. HTTR points scored. Maybe you should address that.
There's corruption everywhere. Identifying it is awesome, people do that all the time But what they don't do, is anything about it.
I can only hope that your professor talks about the study in a reasonable manner, instead of the reactionary insanity we find here.
I've gone to protests. I also donate to an anti-corruption NGO. I've called and written all my representatives. Plenty of folks that talk about it are doing something about it - all across America. You can do something about it, too, by going to www.represent.us.
Care to elaborate some more there chief? That one sentence isn't cutting it for someone that holds themself in such high intellectual esteem.